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From WiKi - UserSide

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Where to start?

After installation of ERP "UserSide", in order to get the software up and running as soon as possible, it is recommended to follow the steps in the following order:

  1. "Accounts" - for your account - specify "Full Access"
  2. "Settings - Maps" - configure the map with the area you are working in
  3. "Import of manuals" - you can load address and object data from CSV files
  4. "Address system" - enter data about areas, districts, localities, streets and houses (if the billing interaction module has not already entered this data)
  5. Settings - Billings - add a billing (or several billing units) and configure the import parameters
  6. Install and configure "billing interaction module"
  7. "Personnel - Subdivisions" - enter all subdivisions of the company
  8. "Personnel - Staff" - enter the details of the personnel by specifying their jobs in the subdivisions and access to geographic objects
  9. "Operators - Profiles" - configure the profiles for the operators by limiting their rights
  10. "Accounts" - add necessary accounts for ERP "UserSide" operators and specify available work areas and linking to employee accounts
  11. "Settings - Tasks" - define the list of task types, task chains and performers
  12. "Communications installations" - enter data about communication nodes with their location (similarly enter information about fiber optical juncton boxes , poles and cable wells)
  13. "Warehouse - Catalogue of goods" - include data on all types of inventory used at enterprises. Particular attention should be paid to special types: Switches, Radio equipment, Media Converters
  14. "Settings - Warehouses" - specify the list of warehouses in the enterprise with the regions in which these warehouses are subordinated
  15. "Warehouse - Suppliers" - enter data about suppliers of equipment
  16. "Warehouse - Inventory" - enter the installed equipment and if possible all inventory of the company
  17. "Equipment" - add switches, radio equipment, media converters and system devices
  18. "Settings - Cable Lines" - add the available Fibre Channel cable types to the Cable Catalog and specify the colouring for them
  19. "Cable Lines" - add cable lines and trunks (taking into account previously entered links and couplings)
  20. Perform a commutation equipment, Fibre Channel and communication lines with each other. Add cross-connects/ODFs and cable dividers at the required communication nodes.