Main Menu - Equipment
"UserSide" supports accounting of different types of network equipment. Some types have their own sections and the system has individual functionality for them.

- Switches
- Radio equipment
- Media converters
- so-called System devices (without reference to Inventory)
- so-called Random devices (with reference to Inventory)
In the main sections it is possible to generate the necessary reports.

When adding a device, the following is specified:
- Location of the inventory item
- Location object
- IP
- Number of ports
- Notes

It is understood that the equipment can be installed in a Communications installations or (from version 3.13) at the user.

For convenient identification of the equipment, it is possible to add marks.

Group actions, allow you to perform necessary operations in bulk from an existing list in the system.
When adding a new section in the Сatalogue of goods with equipment, you can configure its display in the "Equipment" menu.

Starting from version 3.17 in the equipment commutation menu, it is now possible to bind a task to an equipment port.

On the port itself, the task number will be present.

The task card will show the ports of the equipment to which this task is bound (allows you to reserve ports for the task).

Starting from version 3.17, in the device access settings, you can specify "disable completely" the use of SNMP for this device.

In the equipment card, under "Parameters of access to the equipment" you can configure the telnet port for connection (from version 3.17 onwards).

Starting from version 3.18:
Added enabling and disabling polling by usm_peleng module to equipment group actions

In the left menu in the "Equipment" section added the ability to switch to the equipment card by its inventory number (switched on/off).

In the dialogue box of switching to equipment, the possibility of quick search by equipment has been added (previously only by communication facility or by user who owns the equipment).

Starting from version 3.19:
Implemented use of a single SNMP-community instead of separate read-only and read-write communities

Commutation from a device port can be switched to another port not only of the same device, but also of another device on this communication facility

When specifying an equipment port as UPLINK (or DOWNLINK) - on the opposite equipment the reverse DOWNLINK (or UPLINK) mark is set on the corresponding port (if there is switching)

It is possible to search in the equipment list by part of MAC address

In the equipment cards, which are installed in the rack/cabinet, added display of the unit number in the rack