Upgrade 3.13

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Update date: May 2019

Version required: 3.10 and above

A few words from the author - version features

  • Finally, after many years of trial and error, we have figured out how to display on one page the switching scheme between two arbitrary nodes or couplings. The main problem was that all couplings and nodes are of different sizes and have an unknown number of FOCLs entering them from different directions and in different order.
  • A new address system was introduced. We have moved away from working with regions/regions/districts/populated areas/districts/streets and introduced a universal system where it is possible to take into account and work with any type of objects. A city can be part of another city. A house can have four or more addresses, a street can have many aliases ‘’(current name, historical name, name in another language, etc.)‘’ and many other variants. Yes, there is a terminology of ‘tokens’ so that the software understands whether the object is a city or a street or something else, but this is done more for backward compatibility with billing systems that do not operate with such a hierarchy.
  • New UserSide installations will now only have one coverage map with the ‘geo-service’ type. You can add new maps with the ‘file’ type without issue, but there will only be one ‘geo map’. For existing customers - all existing maps with the ‘geo-service’ type will remain, but new maps cannot be added. We have long been incentivising customers to switch to using only one card - it's better and more convenient for everyone. You can read more on this topic in FAQ.
  • You can add new buildings directly from the map. Click on the map - the reverse geocoder gets the address of this point on the map and tries to find a settlement, street in the database and substitutes them into the dialogue of creating a new house. It specifies the house number and draws the polygon of this building. Try it!
  • You can also create a new FOCL directly from the map. Click on the first node/coupling, click on the second node/coupling and the window of adding FOCL opens
  • The work with device interfaces has been changed. Previously we operated with physical ports of equipment in the equipment card and in the whole system. This sometimes led to significant difficulties, because there are ports, there are interfaces, and there are also interface indices, which can be different in different VLANs.... In addition, in different models of equipment some ports are needed and some are not needed, there are expansion cards, etc. Therefore, it is much easier to let you configure for devices which interfaces you need and in what order. You can configure at the level of a specific device or copy the settings from an existing device of the same model.
  • Operator accounts have been merged with employee accounts. Now there is one common record for a person ‘’(this also resulted in elimination of API->operator section. Use API->staff)‘’.
  • Removed support for ‘internal billing’.
  • Added ability to export FOCS to KML ‘’(Google Earth)‘’'.
  • Resolved a long-standing issue with changing the section of a commodity item name. Let me remind you that for example it was impossible to put the type ‘Radio Equipment’ for ‘Switch’ or the type ‘Media Converter’ for ‘Other’. However, there were big problems with customers who incorrectly entered, for example, 1000 ONUs with the type ‘Other’, and it was necessary to transfer them to ‘Switches/OLT/ONU’. This has now been resolved.
  • Made the equipment's own coordinates. The device can now be located on the coverage map not directly on the communication centre, but at a distance ‘’‘(relevant for radio equipment and cameras)’‘’
  • Changes have been made to the ‘’Technical support regulations‘’. We will only support consulting and error resolution for the last 3 versions ‘’‘(3.13, 3.12 and 3.11 respectively)’'. For earlier versions we will only recommend upgrading to the latest builds.
  • I remind you about our Telegram group for mutual communication between clients and developers: https://t.me/usersideeu.
  • And lastly, please, no, no, no - ‘’PLEASE‘’. - check your system backup right now. Does it really form ‘’(on a different physical machine of course)‘’ and does it really deploy without problems? We hear much more often than we would like to about the fact that backups are missing or cannot be deployed.

Features of the upgrade

  • If you are upgrading from version 3.10 - check out the page: Upgrade 3.11
  • If you are upgrading from version 3.11 and earlier - check out the page: Upgrade 3.12
  • Update PHP to version 7.1
  • If PHP hash library is missing - add it ‘’(more relevant for FreeBSD)‘’'.
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to version 10 or higher. Don't forget to plug in the postgis library.
  • Using the automatic installer, perform an upgrade. In case of an error during the update process or if the installer did not complete correctly, run the installer in recovery mode:
sudo -u www-data php userside_install.phar repair
  • After the upgrade, check the situation with employee and operator accounts. They should be merged, for those operators who did not have employee records - the information was added automatically. The same applies to the operator information for those employees who did not have user accounts in userside.
  • If operators had IP address ranges configured - only the first IP address of the range was migrated
  • For employees who did not have operator accounts - these accounts were created with blocked state
  • Due to the redesign of the filters interface - it may be necessary to reconfigure your own filters in the subscriber list and task list.
  • Migration to a new address system has been performed. Check the settings of advertising campaigns and SMS mailings. Are the addresses correctly specified in them.
  • When using satellites - carry out a replacement with a new satellite module.

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction