Upgrade 3.11

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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Update date: July 2017

Version required: 3.10

A few words from the author - version features

  • In this version we tried to add more interesting changes. Including those that customers have been asking for a long time. There's no sense in recounting them - it's better to see full list of changes.
  • We block old us_abills and us_utm5 modules. They were replaced by the usm_abills and usm_utm5 modules a long time ago, but you could still work with them
  • All the old billing interaction modules (us_nodeny, us_nodeny_plus, us_bgbilling, us_hydra, us_lanbilling, us_ipacct), which worked directly with the ERP ‘UserSide’ database have been rewritten and now work with it via API (usm_nodeny, usm_nodeny_plus, usm_bgbilling, usm_hydra, usm_lanbilling, usm_ipacct). We recommend migrating to them, although the old modules will still be usable in version 3.11.

Features of the upgrade

  • Update MySQL to version 5.7 ‘’(5.6 is also good for now, but 5.7 is better)‘’. MariaDB to version 10.1
  • We now have an automatic installer. With its help you need to perform update.
  • After updating - on the page ‘Settings - Notifications - E-mail’ make the correct configuration of the mail service. Expanded functionality.
  • After the update - check if everything is OK in sections: ‘Notepad’, “Hardware - Switches”, “Hardware - Radio Equipment”, “Hardware - System Devices”, ’Hardware - Media Converters’

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction