Upgrade 3.12

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Update date: March 2018

Version required: 3.10 and above

A few words from the author - version features

  • We have finally migrated to PostgreSQL. Upgrade, check the correctness of data, backup MySQL database and you can remove it.
  • We block old billing interaction modules ‘’(with suffix ‘us_’)‘’. They worked directly with MySQL database.
  • Version 3.12 is the latest version, where the functionality of working with internal billing ‘’(including MikroTik)‘’ is supported. For more information see: https://goo.gl/L1qdnp
  • I would like to remind you about our Telegram group for mutual communication between clients and developers: https://t.me/usersideeu.
  • Customers can now pay for technical support and updates directly from their personal cabinet (http://my.userside.eu/) in automatic mode.
  • We now have the so-called ‘Priority service’. You can familiarise yourself with it and take advantage of it.

Features of the upgrade

  • If you are upgrading from version 3.10 - check out the page: Upgrade 3.11
  • Update PHP to version 7.1. PHP version 7.2 is not yet supported.
  • Allocate a large amount of time for the upgrade. The process of migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL can take hours. Especially for older systems with large amounts of data. Millions of records ‘’(especially statistics tables)‘’ will take a long time to migrate.
  • During the upgrade process, all data from the MySQL database will be transferred to PostgreSQL. It is possible that the upgrade will fail. This applies to older clients who may have some specific data in the database, unpredictable special characters, etc. In this case - contact the support team by creating a ticket.
  • After the update - check if everything is in order in the partitions. Pay special attention to the section with communication nodes and equipment. Are they at the correct addresses? Check the list of subscribers, the list of tasks.
  • When using the us_gps module, add the variables $usUrl and $usApiKey to the configuration file and write them down
  • When using the us_radio module, replace it with usm_radio
  • If using the us_control module, replace it with usm_observer

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction