3.11 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Release date: July 2017

Also see:

List of changes

  • Automatic installer for updating/installing ERP ‘UserSide’
  • Arbitrary polygons functionality on the map ‘’(rendering the possibility of including in that area, some coloured sectors, zones, etc)‘’
  • New functionality of patch panels ‘’(UTP)‘’' ‘’‘(with and without stock linking)’‘’
  • Video surveillance: for inventory categories - flag - display on map + own icon + sector on map ‘’(new features to account for IP cameras)‘’
  • In node/junction switching scheme - added zoom and drag and drop capability to the scheme
  • Added ONU signal level history and ability to view this history
  • New widget on the main page: Weather. Weather forecast ‘’(openweathermap.org)‘’'
  • New widget on the home page: Weather. Real-time lightning and thunderstorms ‘’‘(blitzortung.org)’‘’
  • New widget on the home page: Weather. Meteoradars ‘’(meteoinfo.by)‘’'
  • Black, white, grey backing for maps. Allows you to focus only on the scheme
  • In the properties of additional fields added special feature - field for cable metreage ‘’(it allows to close the task related to the subscriber and automatically cable metreage is fixed in the subscriber's card)‘’.
  • Separate rights to change executors and delete tasks have been added to tasks
  • In the header of the job calendar you can display the weather forecast for that day
  • Additional fields for commodities
  • Possibility to attach files to FOCL traces
  • Possibility of attaching files to work items
  • Possibility to attach files to advertising campaigns
  • Common section for all attached files
  • Ability to change the route of the cable channel ‘’(previously supported only straight line from beginning to end)‘’'
  • Display in the VLAN card information on the map about all involved communication nodes and houses with equipment where this VLAN is used
  • Possibility to transfer all commodities at once from an operation ‘’(for example, from an incoming operation - to transfer everything at once)‘’'
  • When adding commodities to a transaction - it is possible to transfer not all units of commodities, but to specify a specific number of them
  • Added dynamic filtering dates in tasks ‘’(yesterday, tomorrow, last week) (this works for saved personal filters as well)‘’.
  • Support for different storeys for different house entrances
  • Subscribers can be assigned to an advertising campaign
  • Template selections have been added to the stock balance report and operations report
  • When adding a switch to a communication node - added quick search by commodities. Including serial number.
  • In the list of ONUs on OLT added filter by signal strength, distance to OLT, interface name
  • Possibility for OLT to view all included in it FOCL and intermediate nodes/couplings
  • In IP-address subnets it is possible to display a tabular list of IP-addresses with the indication of who they are assigned to.
  • For the structural scheme, added possibility to view on the map all lines and nodes ‘’(where the equipment is located)‘’.
  • Added sub-account of inventory items - ‘Responsible storage’
  • Possibility to customise the template of subscriber information in the job card
  • Added quick links in the card of managed equipment for accessing the device via different protocols/receiving information from monitoring systems
  • Yandex.Geocoder to find coordinates of house location
  • Ability to add description to attached files
  • Ability to display active operators and their login IP addresses in the list of operators.
  • Support for ST APC, ST UPC type adapters/pigtails
  • Added Spanish interface ‘’(thanks olivenet.es)‘’'
  • Sending mail via new mechanism ‘’‘(SwiftMailer: SMTP, sendmail, PHP Mail)’‘’
  • Added support for CWDM wavelengths to hundredths precision.
  • Support for MON, EXT, UPG interfaces added for CWDM
  • other changes: see http://wiki.userside.eu/HotFix_For_3.10
  • New module usm_hydra вместо us_hydra
  • New module usm_nodeny вместо us_nodeny
  • New module usm_nodeny+ вместо us_nodeny+
  • New module usm_ipacct вместо us_ipacct
  • New module usm_lanbilling вместо us_lanbilling
  • New module usm_bgbilling вместо us_bgbilling
  • new version us_control 1.3.13
  • new version us_gps 1.5.22
  • new version us_radio 1.3.5
  • new version usm_abills 3.102.183
  • new version usm_asterisk 1.0.19
  • new version usm_billing 1.4.102
  • new version usm_cabletest 1.1.4
  • new version usm_peleng 3.24.117
  • new version usm_ping 3.20.78
  • new version usm_pon 1.8.26
  • new version usm_stat 3.9.24
  • new version usm_utm5 3.102.511