Installation for version 3.10 and earlier

Материал из WiKi - UserSide
Версия от 17:40, 28 февраля 2024; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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ATTENTION: This instruction is valid for ERP "UserSide" versions up to 3.11. For version 3.11 and higher - use the instruction for installing the system with the installer.

  • installation on FreeBSD/Linux systems is recommended. Installation on Windows is also possible, but practice has shown that on *nix-systems the performance of the programme is much better with the same server specifications.
  • unzip the archive into a separately allocated directory (e.g. /var/www/userside/) for the system.
  • set up a web server and start the userside project/web-host in it.
  • optionally configure the virtual host as follows (example for Apache24 Debian/Ubuntu).
The source data is as follows:
a) the files and directories of the USERSIDE application are located in the /var/www/userside/ directory
b) the virtual host site address is

<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/var/www/userside/userside3"
   ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/userside-main-error.log"
   CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/userside-main-access.log" common
   <Directory "/var/www/userside/userside3">
       Options -Indexes
       AllowOverride All
       Require all granted
  • in MySQL-server the variable max_allowed_packet should be increased to "10M" (file my.cnf/my.ini)
  • create a database on MySQL server with the name userside and encoding utf8
  • import the create_userside.sql file. You can also import the file using the mysql console, in which case the command is as follows:
mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -u root -p userside < create_userside_new.sql
  • customise the /userside/userside3/main/config/config.php file by changing the values of the variables
  • while in the (for example: /var/www/userside) application directory, execute "php setup" and answer the questions in the setup script. It will require you to specify parameters to access the created PostgreSQL database
  • open the system page and make sure the system is up and running (username: Admin, password: 1234)
  • assign write permissions to the web server for the entire UserSide directory, including subdirectories. This is necessary to perform updates
  • at the level of the .htaccess file, disallow viewing of the directory listing
  • access to the file API "/userside/userside3/api.php" is recommended to be restricted at the level of the web server for access only from authorised IP addresses
  • prescribe the internal scheduler UserSide in cron.
* * * * *   www-data   php /var/www/userside/userside cron > /dev/null 2>&1
  • under "Settings - Main" explore the main sections, settings and customise the system to suit your needs.

It is highly recommended that after the system installation you set up periodic (daily is better) backup creation by MySQL and PostgeSQL standard tools and its storage ON ANOTHER COMPUTER. For example:

mysqldump -uroot -pPASS userside > /var/www/userside.sql
pg_dump -c -Fc userside > /var/www/userside.dump

Warning: don't neglect security. Use strong passwords for system operators and remember to change them periodically. Also disallow viewing the contents of directories in the /userside/ directory.

It is recommended that you read the instructions on the page: Where to start?

Additional information

  • we are constantly improving the system and release updates. These are an archive with updated files and instructions on how to upgrade. Keep an eye on the UserSide system news, download the updates in your "personal account" and follow the attached instructions.
  • after updates are released, we may sometimes post "hotfixes" with current bug fixes and small improvements in the file archive. They are an archive with files to be transferred to your working system (replacing existing files).