FAQ. The scheduler doesn't work

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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During installation of the system it is required to add to the system cron the execution of the "UserSide" ERP system scheduler to run on a minute-by-minute basis. This scheduler allows execution of a mass of internal operations.

If the main page shows a message that the scheduler is not working - it means that either it is not specified in cron or is not working due to a lack of authorisation, or the system cron itself is not working.

Also note the fact that the message that the scheduler is not running may be displayed, but it will indicate the time it was last run. And this time will be changed in the notification. Check if it is just a matter of the time being different by a fixed interval from the current time (2 hours, 3 hours...)? In that case you should check FAQ._Incorrect_time.

For detailed configuration see: Script - Scheduler