3.9 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide
Версия от 14:06, 21 августа 2024; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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Release date: June 2016

Also see:

List of changes

  • Subscribers. New section ‘Potential Subscribers’
  • Coverage. From the coverage map it is possible to add infrastructure objects (communication nodes/couplings/posts/shafts/wells) directly (interactive editor)
  • Carbon 5 billing support
  • Possibility to specify text numbers of flats and floors
  • Serial numbers for all units can be added in bulk when a batch of goods arrives
  • Additional fields can be added for advertising campaigns and cars
  • Work plan. Filtering by any additional field in jobs. This selection also displays statistics.
  • Work plan. For the job type you can configure automatic transfer of inventory items to the job and back to the warehouse, just transfer of inventory items to the job, possibility of transferring all inventory items from the job to the subscriber
  • Work plan. In the card of the task you can see all inventory items that were involved in this task.
  • Work plan. In the job classifier you can specify which additional fields should be displayed in the work calendar
  • Work plan. In the calendar, the appearance of jobs is brought to the settings of the classifier
  • Warehouse. You can specify the item ‘Require the serial number when the goods arrive’ (and mass addition of serial numbers when the goods arrive) for the name of the inventory items
  • Warehouse. You can specify your own serial number template for each entry in the equipment catalogue (to check if the entry is correct)
  • Warehouse. Substitution of inventory items in the subscriber's card with a similar item from the sub-account
  • Warehouse. When transferring inventory items to a subscriber, it is possible to search by his personal account
  • Warehouse. The accounting of numbers and dates of documents on arrival has been added for inventory items. Filter by document number and date
  • Personnel. In the card of an employee each employee can see all the inventory items that he/she has in his/her account.
  • Operators. In the main page settings added the ability to display information about MAC address flooding on equipment ports
  • A new type - ‘Select from list (including your own variant)’ - has been added in additional fields.
  • New right for operators - ‘Warehouse - Delete written off’.
  • New right for operators - ‘Equipment - Change port status’ * New right for operators - ‘Equipment - Change port status’
  • New right for operators - ‘Subscribers - Potential subscribers - View’.
  • New right for operators - ‘Subscribers - Potential subscribers - Change’
  • Support for SMS service mirsms.ru
  • Support of SMS service lifecell.com.ua
  • other changes: see http://userside.eu/wiki/index.php/HotFix_For_3.8
  • New usm_gps submodule for Traccar GPS Client
  • New usm_stat module instead of us_stat
  • New usm_abills module instead of us_abills
  • New usm_utm5 module instead of us_utm5
  • new version usm_asterisk 0.1b.9
  • new version us_bgbilling 1.6.15
  • new version us_gps 1.3.16
  • new version us_hydra 3.4.28
  • new version us_lanbilling 3.20.159
  • new version us_nodeny 3.23.191
  • new version us_radio 1.2.3
  • new version usm_billing 1.2.34
  • new version usm_peleng 3.22.113
  • new version usm_ping 3.18.69
  • new version usm_pon 1.7.23