Upgrade 3.9

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Update date: June 2016

Version required: 3.8

A few words from the author - version features

  • Equipment database will now be online. There is no need to roll updates when we add new models
  • It is recommended to put the new usm_utm5 and usm_abills modules instead of the old ones. The old ones will work for now, but will stop working in version 3.10.
  • We have started work on the graphical editor on the map. It is already possible to add infrastructure objects (nodes, couplings, manholes, supports) directly from the map

Features of the upgrade

  • The structure of catalogues has changed - previously the structure of catalogues was as follows

And now all the contents of this directory (userside) should be moved to the subdirectory "userside3" and a new empty directory of the first level "erp" should be created. To get the following


At the same time we need to reconfigure the web server to access /userside/userside3/ instead of /userside/

  • Replace the us_stat module with usm_stat "(who has it)"

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction