Versions 3.16 EN

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Версия от 13:48, 7 октября 2024; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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Versions of the 3.16 branch

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

3.16.40 (in development)

  • Fixed search by name of communication facility when transferring TICs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.39 - 26.01.2023

  • Fixed saving switch IP address during hot swap
  • Cumulative changes and fixes

3.16.38 - 29.07.2022

  • Improved search in the list of commodities by value of additional field
  • Added verification of MAC address format input when goods are received
  • Fixed filtering error in job list by own filter ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.37 - 01.07.2022

  • Fixed separation of written off inventory items
  • Improved display of polygons on the coverage map when there is no permission to change the address setting
  • Hot swap of device in terms of IP/MAC address replacement is improved
  • Fixed bug with viewing the list of cable channels ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Minor changes and corrections

3.16.36 - 09.06.2022

  • Improved display of actions with Cross/ODF ports for operators with view-only rights
  • Improved search by MAC-address in the list of commodities
  • Refinement of ONU information capture from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Small changes and corrections

3.16.35 - 26.05.2022

  • Improved notifications about assignment and removal of employees from a task by means of Custom HTTP Request.
  • Improved manufacturer display in cable catalogue
  • Fixed saving of custom job log filters ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Minor changes and fixes

3.16.34 - 08.05.2022

  • Fixed transfer of parent record information for subscribers whose parent is merged with another subscriber
  • Fixed display of notes on fibre links when exporting switching scheme to SVG

3.16.33 - 26.04.2022

  • Fixed filtering by employee in the history of operator actions ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering of subscriber list by subscriber's group absence
  • Fixed incorrect activity update for devices when taking ONU list from OLT
  • Fixed change of cable line route on coverage map
  • Improvement of displaying the list of subscribers grouped by buildings
  • Improved copying of additional fields from parent task when creating a task

3.16.32 - 31.03.2022

  • Improved merging of a potential subscriber with a real subscriber
  • Fixed sending notifications to employees when the time to complete a task is about to expire ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of communication facility on the logical building diagram ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Improved checking of rights when returning equipment to the warehouse

3.16.31 - 11.03.2022

  • Fixed operation of the scheduler task ‘Transfer information about connected potential clients to current clients’ ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of the calendar of assigned executors when editing a task
  • Improved capture of information on a separate ONU for BDCOM GPON
  • Fixed display of subscriber's phone number in ‘Phone’ column in building card

3.16.30 - 20.02.2022

  • Improved hiding of the menu for adding objects to the coverage map on page refresh
  • Improved sending a test message to Messenger/Telegram
  • Improved highlighting of communication lines on the map when hovering over a communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Improved sending of mail notifications when adding a comment to a task
  • Fixed display of floor/level name for communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed sending of ‘’(in some cases)‘’ messages in Messenger/Telegram ‘’(in some cases)‘’.
  • Fixed operation of some parameters of API->inventory->get_operation method

3.16.29 - 15.02.2022

  • Fixed assigning employees to a task in the employee selector ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed checking access rights when working with communication lines ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed key transfer when moving all objects from one building to another

3.16.28 - 13.02.2022

  • Improved display of additional fields like ‘Flag’ in the header of the subscriber page
  • Improved appearance of additional field values in the subscriber's card with the ‘Display in the main information on the object’ feature
  • When API->employee->check_pass method is used and authentication is successful, employee's activity date is updated.
  • Fixed specifying the owner when creating a communication line
  • Fixed sorting of employee list when adding executors to a task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying the list of floors/levels of a building when editing a communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed receiving ONU list from BDCOM GPON OLT ‘’‘(in some cases)’‘’
  • Fixed checking access rights when working with communication facilities ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.27 - 01.02.2022

  • When hot-swapping a splitter, the splitter with more ports than the one being replaced is offered, among others
  • Fixed bug when adding/changing IP/MAC address for subscriber ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed display in IP grid of devices that are in stock
  • Fixed output of the list of customised type comments for the call registration form from a subscriber
  • Fixed changing the route of switching lines in the switching scheme of a communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of overdue fact in the task list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improved display of endpoint in switching on equipment ports ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improvements on capturing information from EPON OLT ZTE

3.16.26 - 24.01.2022

  • In the job card without subscribers, when the caption ‘subscriber found’ is displayed at an address - a notification will be displayed that this subscriber is a potential or former subscriber ‘’(if there is such an indication)‘’.
  • Improvements to ONU information capture for Gateray/Topvision OLT
  • Fixed change of cable line type for all lines when changing type in cable catalogue
  • Fixed display of cable line type in cable catalogue setting
  • Fixed filter on subscribers without IP addresses ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed global search by short job description
  • Fixed fixing of transaction note when writing off inventory items

3.16.25 - 15.01.2022

  • Fixed fix for unknown MAC addresses ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed bug when displaying a list of very large quantity of commodities ‘’(in some cases)‘’
  • Fixed specifying a pigtail for the OB in the building switching scheme
  • Fixed hiding messages from other employees on the main page ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.24 - 04.01.2022

  • Fixed moving inventory items to a subscriber when changing job status via API
  • Fixed moving objects from one building to another ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving ‘All Units’ mode when reopening the job calendar
  • Fixed the possibility of not specifying the date of birth for an employee
  • Fixed displaying date of birth in the list of employees ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed restriction of access to other employees' job sheets for employees with limited rights
  • Fixed duplication of importing subscribers‘ messages from billing “”(in some cases)’‘’

3.16.23 - 24.12.2021

  • Improved API->customer->change_billing method
  • Refinement of displaying the list of employees that have viewed a job assignment
  • Improved import of KML file with cable line route coordinates
  • Improvements on functioning of switching schemes
  • Improved formatting when exporting the report on the number of subscribers in houses to Excel
  • Improved operations with attached files in the window of adding a comment on a task
  • Expanded search limit for employees/units in quick search from 10 to 20
  • Fixed some inaccuracies when creating a task by chain
  • Fixed generation of subscriber activity graph ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying in the history by operators of operations with change of executors for tasks
  • Fixed displaying of tariffs list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed inability to open the jobs calendar ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.22 - 11.12.2021

  • Improved API->node->edit method.
  • Improved generation of QR codes with Cyrillic characters
  • Fixed display of columns in vehicle table ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed unnecessary addition of records to history by jobs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fix unnecessary display of IP addresses for written off inventory in IP subnets
  • Fixed subscriber filter when selecting subscribers without tariffs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed correct selection of employees by geographical division when creating a task by subscriber
  • Fixed SNMP data capture from equipment via satellite ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed sorting of messages between employees ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of parameters for the scheduler task ‘Create jobs for debtors’

3.16.21 - 06.12.2021

  • Improved capture of ONU information from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Improved cable tester for Foxgate switches
  • Fixed adding buildings from coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of overdue jobs in the job list filter ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of inventory report on jobs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of customisable appearance for the contents of additional fields with the ‘Text field’ type
  • Improvements on capturing the main MAC-address of the equipment
  • Improved selector for selecting all employees in the report on inventory balances

3.16.20 - 25.11.2021

  • Improved API->address->edit_house method
  • Improvements to SNMP data capture via satellite
  • Improvements on cable tester for TP-Link
  • Improved arrangement of address objects on the coverage map
  • Improved saving of entries in notepad ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Added display of system role of these statuses in the setting of possible statuses for a task type.
  • Fixed adding a building to the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed the ability to delete a communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed ‘Remove MAC address entries on ports after (days)’ setting option
  • Fixed ‘Add next link to phone numbers’ setting option
  • Fixed sorting of correspondence between employees on the main page and in the message section

3.16.19 - 14.11.2021

  • Improved API->device->get_pon_level_history method
  • Improved method API->fiber->get_list
  • Improved method API->address->add_house
  • Improved API->task->comment_add
  • Improved API->attach->|add method
  • Adjusted left menu styles
  • Fixed display of buildings on coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving selected layer of coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying totals for additional fields in the task list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed duplication in sending Jabber/Custom-request notifications when assigning a unit to a job
  • Fixed deletion of MAC address in switch card
  • Fixed bug when executing a job where there is auto-transfer of goods and services when executing ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.

3.16.18 - 08.11.2021

  • Added support for OLT GPON Dasan
  • Fixed sorting of comments to task in the mail notification by task
  • Fixed display of customisable pages in subscriber's personal cabinet ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed bug when replacing executors in a task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.17 - 02.11.2021

  • When adding a communication facility to a task without an address - the task inherits the address of the given communication facility
  • Improved visual notification in case of an empty comment when executing a task
  • Improved filtering by several subscriber marks in the subscriber list at the same time
  • Fixed viewing of cable trace ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed switching to the required progress status for the task type assigned to ‘Call Registration’.
  • Fixed selection of stock operation by subscribers ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed search by short employee's full name in menu for transferring inventory items to an employee

3.16.16 - 24.10.2021

  • Improved output of the sub-account type in the list of inventory items when generating a document
  • Added Cable Tester for Cisco WS-C2960-48TC-L
  • Added ‘When selecting executors for a task, output all available employees’ setting parameter
  • Fixed check of comment input when changing job status ‘’(with the setting option enabled)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of building names in the report of subscription fees by building
  • Fixed possibility of selecting ‘empty’ value of an additional field, which has mandatory filling enabled
  • Fixed selection of commodities when changing the status of a task
  • Fixed adding payment for owner ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed checking of access rights when confirming receipt of commodities via transit to a warehouse that does not have access to the record
  • Fixed generation of quick link to the task in the comment to the task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed work with SNMP v3 ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed unnecessary ability to edit timesheet for past days ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving of the correct history by a task when editing the date of work on the task
  • Fixed display of tariff change requests in subscriber card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.15 - 15.10.2021

  • In the selector for selecting employees by task, the full list of all employees that can be assigned to this type of task ‘’(according to the address settings)‘’' is displayed.
  • Empty comment option is selected by default in typical comments on tasks.
  • The display of news on jobs has been improved
  • Improved ONU capture from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Improved removal of ONU from OLT ZTE GPON
  • Fixed sending notifications to employees of a unit that is excluded from a job assignment
  • Fixed editing of MAC-address in subscriber's card
  • Fixed display of switching history by equipment port
  • Fixed display of comments on jobs in the news list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed group sending of e-mail to subscribers ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving the correct address when creating a task and selecting subscriber + other address
  • Fixed creating a new employee account with ‘local’ authorisation when using LDAP
  • Fixed filtering by equipment ID in job list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.14 - 01.10.2021

  • Improved ONU removal from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Added resetting of SNMP cache by device when editing it (when saving data)
  • Fixed adding CWDM/multiplexer from under the communication facility card
  • Fixed display of subscriber by task in the list of news by task
  • Fixed display of task news counter in the left menu ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed operation of scheduler task ‘Auto-binding of subscribers to ports’
  • Fixed generation of information about all comments on a task in the notification template
  • Fixed grouping by buildings of the subscribers list ‘’(with a large number of subscribers in the sample)‘’.
  • Fixed checking of access rights of employees to send SMS in the job task card
  • Fixed assigning an employee to a job and excluding other departments/employees when a job is moved to the ‘Running’ role ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16.13 - 25.09.2021

  • Corrected import of subscribers from billing that were previously marked as ‘Former Subscribers’.
  • Fixed sending of notifications in Messenger/Telegram for employees of a department that is assigned to a task.
  • Improved capture of auto-updated data for Eltex GPON ONU
  • Fixed sending of long messages in Messenger/Telegram
  • Fixed selection of floor/level in building for communication facility ‘’(in case when building has individual layout of levels) (in some cases)‘’.
  • Fixed search of inventory in a warehouse by its IP address

3.16.12 - 19.09.2021

  • Improved functioning of quick search ‘’(when quickly typing in search fields)‘’'
  • Improved sorting in the list of operations by warehouse ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improved auto-refresh of signal strength for ONU in cases when a subscriber has more than one ONU
  • Optimisation of ONU list retrieval from ZTE OLTs
  • Fixed adding comments to a task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed creating a task for a unit from under the calendar
  • Fixed possibility of filtering in the list of subscribers by additional fields of legal entities
  • Fixed closing of pop-up window about incoming call
  • Fixed correct selection of news by tasks
  • Fixed displaying of ‘Credit’ field value in subscribers list

3.16.11 - 15.09.2021

  • Fixed viewing of potential subscribers without addresses in ‘Objects without address’ access mode
  • Fixed duplication of the pop-up block about call in the ‘’(in some cases)‘’ ping block
  • Fixed displaying of news counter by tasks in the left menu
  • Fixed storing ‘any’ IP address when importing from the billing system
  • Fixed capturing ONU information from OLT ZTE ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.

3.16.10 - 11.09.2021

  • Optimisation of subscriber list
  • Job list optimisation
  • Optimisation of the list of warehouse operations
  • Improved sorting by date in the list of warehouse operations (in some cases)
  • Improved display of building activity on the coverage map
  • In case of adding a list of inventory items to a transaction, if at the moment of transfer some of the items have already been moved to another object by ‘’(another user)‘’', then the whole operation of adding inventory items to a transaction is cancelled. - then the whole operation of adding the item to the operation is cancelled.
  • Fixed removal of ONU information from OLT ZTE ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed search by abbreviated full name in the menu of assigning an executor to a task
  • Fixed output of note on cross/ODF adapter ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed links to ‘Accounting’ section reports in the ‘Statistics’ section
  • Fixed unnecessary inclusion of the last day in the list of doubtful subscribers
  • Fixed ability to install equipment from inaccessible warehouses

3.16.9 - 10.09.2021

  • Added support for working with OLT ZTE C610
  • Added support for Raisecom cable tester
  • Fixed display of vehicle information on the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of the list of warehouse operations ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of list of additional layers on coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of cable modules on the switching diagram ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed subscriber selection when creating a child task
  • Fixed saving of cable conductor colours ‘’(with colour replacement for existing cable lines)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying hours of work from 00:00 in the job calendar ‘’(with this setting value)‘’'

3.16.8 - 03.09.2021

  • The scheduler task ‘Create jobs for inactive subscribers’ now excludes subscribers that have been added to userside in the last N-days.
  • Optimised operation of the ‘PON Notifications’ home page widget
  • Improvements in the display of ‘My Tasks’ section
  • Refinement of displaying ODF/cross on the switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Refinement of displaying objects on the general switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed navigation through the work calendar ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed ability to change catalogue section for product type ‘Arbitrary equipment (general section)’
  • Fixed setting of ‘Read Only’ access mode in the list of available employee warehouses
  • Fixed division between days in the list of work plan tasks
  • Fixed displaying of the list of notification recipients in the task card
  • Fixed bug when viewing the list of jobs on the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering of subscribers list by availability of inventory items

3.16.7 - 29.08.2021

  • Improved centring of the coverage map when viewing the list of tasks on the map
  • Improved prohibition to save a communication facility with already used communication facility number ‘’(when changing the type of communication facility)‘’.
  • Fixed equipment search when creating a new job
  • Fixed presence of ‘tomorrow’ value in the ‘Work date’ parameter in the work plan filter
  • Corrected the operation of equipment satellites
  • Fixed editing of map tiles ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying information about existing jobs by address when creating a new job and selecting an address
  • Fixed sending notifications when assigning a department to a task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed editing of time interval in job chain
  • Fixed deleting attachments when deleting a job comment ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying ‘Lost subscribers’ ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed copying of settings of an automatically assigned employee to a task
  • Improved generation of emails about comments to a task

3.16.6 - 20.08.2021

  • When creating a task by chain - if the setting ‘At least one executor/unit must remain in the tasks’ is enabled and no executors are specified, the author of the task will be the executor.
  • Added possibility of device search by IP/MAC-address when adding equipment to a task
  • Improved display of the switching endpoint for objects with comments on ports
  • The employee's position is displayed in the timesheet instead of his/her position in a subdivision
  • Fixed display of owners for MAC addresses in FDB lists, etc.
  • Fixed ‘Get Info’ ‘’(by interfaces)‘’ link for devices that have a separate SNMP polling profile selected
  • Fixed displaying of the block of tasks by departments where an employee works in the ‘My tasks’ section.
  • Fixed displaying of employees‘ employment calendar when creating a new task “”(and selecting additional non-automatic performers)’‘’
  • Fixed copying of equipment binding to a task when creating the next task by chain
  • Fixed editing of assignment/exception dates for personnel in departments
  • Fixed viewing the list of linked jobs by equipment
  • Fixed display of subscribers on the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed building of the warehouse turnover and balance sheet by a specific job number
  • Fixed saving a building as a start/end point for a cable duct route
  • Fixed saving additional labels in ODF/cross card

3.16.5 - 15.08.2021

  • Optimisation of the work of the tasks calendar
  • Improved appearance of the form of adding a standard comment to tasks
  • Improved generalisation of two calls of the usm_asterisk module with the same number that were received in a small interval
  • Fixed clearing of cross-country switching in the wizard of switching scheme switching of a communication facility
  • Fixed division_id parameter in API->task->get_list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed exact search in subscriber list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed link to view history for an employee from under the employee's card
  • Fixed variables in additional tabs of subscriber card ‘’(employee variables)‘’'
  • Fixed ability to view switching route/switching history on equipment port for employees without the right to edit equipment
  • Fixed adding a second address to a building
  • Fixed unnecessary selection of potential and former subscribers for ‘Create jobs for inactive subscribers’ scheduler task to work.
  • Fixed saving inactivity reporting via Telegram option for a device
  • Fixed ability to delete own comments to a task
  • Fixed unnecessary updating of ‘update date’ by task when viewing this task
  • Fixed editing of billing settings ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed deletion of additional field values when deleting equipment
  • Fixed displaying additional field values for a job when creating a child job
  • Fixed changing the empty address of a task where a subscriber is present - when the address of this subscriber is changed in the future.

3.16.4 - 11.08.2021

  • Corrected creation of a cable line for a cable with incomplete colours for modules and strands ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed transferring radio equipment to a communications facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed searching for equipment by its MAC address in global search ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering of warehouse transactions by specific employee/subscriber
  • Fixed saving of warehouse access rights for employees
  • Fixed separation of inventory items by one unit

3.16.3 - 09.08.2021

  • Fixed link to view subscribers on disconnection on the main page
  • Fixed editing of building polygon from building card
  • Fixed display of full employee name when ‘Use always full employee names’ setting is enabled
  • Fixed displaying of required type comments in the dialogue box of task status change
  • Fixed search in the list of inventory items when pressing ‘magnifying glass’ ‘’(search button)‘’'.
  • Fixed displaying of the checklist item marking date in the job card
  • Fixed displaying the date of related tasks in the task card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed editing of additional fields in jobs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed switching cables between each other in the ‘’(Switch All)‘’' switching scheme
  • Fixed switching wizard

3.16.2 - 07.08.2021

  • Fixed copying additional fields from a task when creating a child task
  • Fixed API->address->get_house ‘’(did not work with is_disable_hidden=1)‘’' method
  • Fixed bug when migrating IP addresses in operator action history ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed interface error when sorting the list of inventory items in the results of the search by inventory items
  • Fixed copying of information from a job when creating a child job ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed transferring of PMs to a subscriber when closing a job ‘’(with appropriate settings)‘’'
  • Fixed unnecessary change of adapter types during ODF/cross editing
  • Fixed filtering of operations by warehouse ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed system work when configuring operator profile access to subscriber groups
  • Fixed job filtering by ‘Division’ criterion

3.16.1 - 04.08.2021

  • Works on optimisation of data import from billing systems
  • Improvement in IP address migration. Handling of obviously incorrect IP-addresses
  • Fixed bug when viewing the news list by task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed incorrect version messages when launching usm_pon and usm_peleng modules
  • Fixed display of MAC address add/update dates in the list by device port
  • Fixed removal of MAC-address from equipment port
  • Fixed display of slash in communication facility name in switching scheme

3.16 - 02.08.2021

  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16rc1 - 23.07.2021

  • Improved visualisation of cable direction changes in ‘Switching schemes’
  • Fixed ‘At least one executor/unit must remain in tasks’ parameter ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed joining of all cable fibres to each other in a switching scheme
  • Fixed filtering of operations by specific counterparty
  • Fixed filtering of tasks by ‘Division (including its employees)’ criterion
  • Fixed filling in of data on a particular employee in the timesheet
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16beta4 - 11.07.2021

  • Fixed deletion of common switching schemes
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16beta3 - 03.07.2021

  • Fixed display of EPON ONU owners in the PON info widget on the home page
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16beta2 - 26.06.2021

  • Optimised display of VLANs list
  • Fixed display of all SMS ‘’(in some cases)‘’' in subscriber card in general
  • Fixed display of switching arrows on objects in the switching diagram ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed bug when viewing a job card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16beta1 - 13.06.2021

  • Fixed editing of outgoing message to subscriber
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16dev9 - 03.06.2021

  • Improved API->node->add method
  • Improved method API->node->edit
  • Added ‘Minimum cable height on the patch diagram’ and ‘Cable width on the patch diagram’ settings ‘’‘’‘(allows to adjust e.g. the height of a single-fibre cable so that it takes minimum space on the diagram)’‘’‘’
  • In the list of ONUs on OLT added possibility to filter ONU by ID
  • Improved filter in the list of subscribers to select potential subscribers with missing additional field
  • Introduced priority of sending SMS-notifications ‘’(e.g. SMS-notifications to subscribers will be sent, but SMS to employees with different notifications will be sent at once, instead of waiting for the end of sending all SMS-notifications)‘’.
  • Creation of child tasks from under the task card ‘’(previously, a child task was created first and then the task editing form was opened, which resulted in inconvenience of informing executors, etc.)‘’.
  • In the structure diagram for the cable line with unspecified length - the length is taken by geo-coordinates ‘’(used for calculation of kilometric attenuation)‘’.
  • In the upper part of the communication facility card a link to the list of current tasks ‘’(uncompleted)‘’ for this communication facility is displayed with the number of such tasks indicated
  • For equipment the parameter ‘Always display on the map’ ‘’(allows including displaying the equipment that subscribers have)‘’ was added.
  • Labels for object types can now be separately configured for different types of cable lines ‘’(previously only for all cable lines as a whole)‘’.
  • When editing ODF/cross, added possibility to change adapter types in groups
  • Fixed display of subscriber's IP address in the task list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16dev8 - 27.05.2021

  • Added method API->fiber->map_color_get
  • Added method API->fiber->move_child_object
  • Added method API->fiber->delete
  • Added method API->node->delete
  • Added method API->customer->get_mac_history
  • ‘’‘Added “Square” and “Rhombus” options to the appearance templates of communication facility types’‘’'
  • ‘’‘Added option to specify size multiplier for “Triangle”, “Rhombus”, “Square” templates of communication structure types’‘’'
  • ‘’‘Transparency of the shape on the map can be adjusted for communication facilities types’‘’
  • ‘’'In the filter by subscribers, added possibility of selection by subscribers that are not child records
  • ‘’‘Added possibility to mention an employee in a comment to a task using the @ symbol’‘’
  • When mentioning an employee in a task comment, a notification will be sent to him/her.
  • ‘’‘Unit can be assigned in tasks’‘’ parameter has been added to unit properties, which allows you to prohibit assigning this unit to executors and observers in a task.
  • Redesigned interface for assigning executors to tasks
  • Value of additional field of subscriber can be added to SMS variables.
  • A summary line of the sum of all filtered commodities has been added to the list of commodities.
  • For ODF/crosses that have more than 4 ports - port numbers are duplicated on both sides of the switching scheme.
  • In employee table settings added possibility to output field with Telegram chat_id
  • In the escalation settings by job type, the interval has been changed from hours to minutes
  • In the list of messages by Messenger/Telegram - in the ‘Recipient’ field the name of the employee will be displayed if the message was sent to him/her.
  • In group actions on communication facilities added possibility to display selected objects on the map
  • Added summary values by types of tasks in the statistics on task creation by operators
  • Added setting parameter ‘In the switching scheme output the number of cable line modules’
  • Fixed an error when editing IP/MAC-address of a subscriber ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.16dev7 - 20.05.2021

  • When viewing the history of actions on a task, the history of task views is hidden by default
  • Added possibility to change the category of inventory items to the type with special sign ‘Patch panel’
  • In the window of hot replacement of equipment added quick search by available for replacement inventory items
  • Added ‘Perform OLT polling’ setting parameter for usm_iferr module to disable OLT polling.
  • ‘’‘Support multiple groups at a subscriber’‘’'
  • ‘’‘You can assign a unit as an observer to a job’‘’
  • Added ability to select by note text in the warehouse transaction filter
  • ‘’(in some cases)‘’' fixed migration of data by arbitrary volumes in the job

3.16dev6 - 13.05.2021

  • Added API->employee->work_time_finish method
  • Added method API->employee->work_time_start
  • Refined method API->employee->get_history
  • ‘’‘Employee time tracking’‘’ (start of working day, end of working day, breaks, etc., possibility to integrate with other time tracking systems thanks to API)‘’‘’'
  • ‘’‘Support for cable lines’‘’ has been implemented
  • Added ‘Subscriber information template for the Subscriber/Object field in the task list’ parameter to the setting
  • Added ‘Switched to unavailable/disconnected equipment’ selection option to the subscriber list filter
  • In the filter of the subscribers list the possibility of selection by tariff group has been added.
  • For device notifications from usm_observer module, added possibility to send messages via Messenger/Telegram.
  • For equipment added possibility to send notifications about equipment inactivity to employees via Messenger/Telegram.
  • Fixed notification when assigning employees to a task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Improved selector of subscriber selection in the switching menu
  • Changed the format of the main page report ‘ONU optical power exceeds permissible limits’
  • On the coverage map in the pop-up tooltip on the marker of the vehicle position the registration number of this vehicle is now also displayed
  • Telegram / Messenger template ‘Task Information’ added to the task notification settings
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16dev5 - 06.05.2021

  • In group actions with tasks, added possibility to postpone tasks by specifying the date until which to postpone them
  • In task list group actions the possibility to print the list of selected tasks has been added.
  • Added ‘Copy author’ option to the task chain setting
  • In the timesheet table added the ability to customise the ‘’(including additional fields by employees)‘’' fields
  • Added variable in setting of links of arbitrary/proper pages in the menu
  • New type of additional field ‘Counter’ with its own customisation parameters
  • Fixed refreshing of the switching scheme page after actions in it
  • Added setting parameter ‘When creating a cable line, it is obligatory to select cable brand from catalogue’.
  • Added setting parameter ‘When editing a cable line, forbid to manually change cable capacity’ ‘’(allow only to select cable of different capacity from catalogue)‘’'
  • In the left menu in the ‘Equipment’ section added an input field for quick navigation by equipment ID.
  • In the list of subscribers added possibility to display ‘Credit’ field
  • Fixing of operations on changing the status of objects from planned to current and vice versa in the history of employees' actions
  • In the catalogue of goods it is possible to specify whether it is allowed to integrate the goods of this section into other goods.
  • Added the setting parameter ‘Allow integration of the commodities in the device not more than 1 per port’

3.16dev4 - 29.04.2021

  • Added API->device->get_current_ont_data method
  • API->device->get_pon_level_history
  • Improved method API->device->get_ont_data
  • Improved API->attach->|add method
  • Improved API->attach->get|get method
  • Added ‘Count two calls as one if the interval between them is less than (seconds)’ parameter to the setting
  • ‘’‘Status changed (employee)’‘’ column added to the setting of the task list table
  • ‘’‘Added ability to display auto-update ONU signal strength information directly from OLT in ONU card “”’(with 2 seconds interval) (for some vendors)‘’‘’'
  • The current layer of card tiles is saved for each employee and when he/she opens the card again, the card will be opened immediately with the required layer of tiles.
  • Filtering by ‘Additional data’ field added to the subscribers list
  • In group actions on subscribers added possibility to change the group of subscribers
  • ‘’‘In subscribers list it is now possible to group filtered data “”(in particular by building)’‘, which allows to form statistics’‘’.
  • Optimised display of telecommunication facilities numbers on the map
  • Telegram notifications ‘’(previously only SMS)‘’' are now visible in the task card when viewing the list of sent notifications by the task.
  • Fixed bug when adding a comment to a task and sending notifications to employees of departments
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16dev3 - 23.04.2021

  • Added method API->address->get_building_structure
  • Added method API->address->get_house
  • Added method API->task->get_catalog_type_group
  • API->task->edit method was improved.
  • Improved API->task->get_list method
  • Improved method API->customer->get_customers_id
  • Improved API->customer->msg method
  • Improved method API->customer->edit
  • Improved method API->inventory->get_inventory_amount
  • Added method API->node->get_redevelopment_scheme
  • Added method API->node->get_type_list
  • Added method API->call->get
  • Added counters for the number of objects in the ‘Files’ and ‘Other’ building card tab headers
  • Quick search by IP address part has been returned to the device list
  • In the setting of task statuses added property ‘When transferring a task to this status - change the date of work in the task to the current date’.
  • All settings for cable lines have been moved from ‘Setup - Basic - Cable Lines’ to ‘Setup - Cable Lines’.
  • Quick search has been added to the cable catalogue settings
  • In advertising campaigns added the possibility to create a campaign copy
  • Typical comments to jobs can be customised for selected job types
  • In the list of tasks added filtering by type comment of a task
  • In the settings of additional fields it is possible to specify the appearance of values of additional fields ‘’(bold, italic, colour and size of text)‘’.
  • Possibility to use icons as the name of the additional tab of the subscriber card
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

3.16dev2 - 15.04.2021

  • ‘’‘Task Escalation’‘’. After a certain number of hours from the job start date, assign the specified employee ‘’(if the job is not closed)‘’. It can be set up for each type of tasks separately
  • Improved filter by value of an additional field in the list of tasks ‘’(possibility to choose a value from a preset list)‘’.
  • The option to display information about subscriber's switching has been added to the setting parameter ‘Template of subscriber information in the job card’.
  • Refinements of information acquisition from OLT QTECH
  • Cable tester for SNMP Huawei improved
  • In the report on the number of subscribers in buildings - excluded buildings with the sign ‘not connected’, except for those buildings that do have subscribers.
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.15

‘’‘Changed the work with employees/operators/personnel’‘’. Previously there was an entity ‘employee’ ‘’(employee)‘’ in different sections of the system, as well as legacy entities ‘staff’ ‘’(staff_unit)‘’ and ‘operator’ ‘’(operator)‘’. Now only the single entity ‘’(employee)‘’ will be used. This will speed things up and eliminate the need to perform intermediate conversions from one entity to another. The changes will affect the work with API:

  • Changed parameters that can be included in customisation of arbitrary pages

‘’‘Changed the storage of “”’invoices‘’‘’ by warehouse/stock items in the database‘’'. Now the single invoice field ‘’(ex: 205031234567)‘’ is now split into 3 different fields ‘’(ex: 205/3/1234567)‘’. This will speed things up and allow ‘’(in the future)‘’ to get away from the seven character limit on the length of the object ID. There will be no changes to the API at this stage.

3.16dev1 - 29.01.2021

  • API->owner->add method improved.
  • Improved API->owner->edit method.
  • Improved method API->operator->get_history
  • ‘’‘Switching schemes with multiple communication facilities on the same right-of-way’‘’'
  • In the job card it is possible to exclude all performers from the job at once
  • Added home page widget ‘Inactive equipment. OLT’
  • ‘Cable infrastructure’ ‘’(cable lines, cable ducts, splitters/sealers, patch panels, crossovers/ODF)‘’ is allocated to a separate section of the menu
  • Added a menu with buttons to the card of a communication facility
  • When adding a device to a communication facility, the selector will show the MAC address of the TMC ‘’(if the TMC does not have an IP address)‘’'
  • Added ability to attach files in the cable catalogue
  • Changed output format of API->operator->get_history method
  • Changed output format of API->setting->get method