Versions 3.11 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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Versions of the 3.11 branch

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

3.11.40 - 27.02.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.39 - 17.02.2018

  • Fixed output of the end date of pending tasks in the xls-version of the work plan
  • Fixed ‘freezing’ of other browser tabs when polling FDB table of the switch via SNMP

3.11.38 - 11.02.2018

  • Improved import of FOCL route from KML file
  • When breaking a FOCL - layers were not copied to the second segment
  • Fixed erroneous display of switches in some cases on the main page in the ‘Inactive Switches’ section
  • Fixed bug with inability to select the required dimension when adding IP subnetwork
  • Fixed problems with displaying the whole FOCL route on the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’

3.11.37 - 03.02.2018

  • Fixed work of some filters in the work plan

3.11.36 - 24.01.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.35 - 14.01.2017

  • In subscribers filter improved filter by additional fields with preset values
  • Fixed saving of very large FOCL routes on the map
  • Fixed fast search in the list of nodes with layer selection enabled

3.11.34 - 11.01.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.33 - 02.01.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.32 - 30.12.2017

  • Fixed error when editing operator account
  • When setting a communication centre via map - the nearest settlement ‘’(by coordinates)‘’' is automatically selected in the field with the address of this centre.

3.11.31 - 14.12.2017

  • Corrected spelling of protocol callto: in references

3.11.30 - 10.12.2017

  • Added option to employee card to specify ‘Send jabber message when the deadline for task completion is about to expire’
  • Added option to disable flashing of interfaces in the equipment card

3.11.29 - 28.11.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.28 - 27.11.2017

  • When adding placement objects to the coverage map, you can now also add them to the area of arbitrary polygon locations
  • Fixed use of default adapter types for adding ODF/crosses in switching scheme
  • Fixed specifying the quantity of commodities when adding commodities to a transaction and filtering by commodity name

3.11.27 - 25.11.2017

  • Fixed some inaccuracies in VLAN list capture by devices
  • Fixed some bugs in interaction with usm_billing module

3.11.26 - 20.11.2017

  • Flashing of interfaces in the equipment card was changed from gif-files to CSS
  • Fixed sorting of house addresses when transferring goods to a house
  • Fixed output of information about the number of floors in the house card

3.11.25 - 19.11.2017

  • Search in the upper panel searches also by additional phones of the subscriber
  • Fixed duplication of the filter with the type of commodities in the warehouse operations filter

3.11.24 - 06.11.2017

  • Added possibility for any devices (arbitrary equipment, switches, radios...) to set ‘SNMP polling profiles for equipment’ (previously - only for system devices)
  • Fixed partial missing coordinates of communication nodes/couplings when exporting the list to Excel
  • Fixed display of equipment port state in subscriber card

3.11.23 - 30.10.2017

  • Fixed search for houses in different register when transferring inventory to a house
  • Erroneous switching icons on the switching scheme have been removed
  • Fixed output of radio equipment in the list of devices polled by usm_peleng module
  • Fixed viewing the list of house nodes from a link in the house card
  • Fixed error when viewing the list of employees
  • Fixed output of the list of potential subscribers in Excel
  • Improved VLAN list capture for Huawei SmartAX MA5603T

3.11.22 - 25.10.2017

  • Fixed errors in the counter of uncompleted tasks
  • Fixed error - deleted tasks for work were taken into account when an employee was dismissed
  • Optimised work of the section with object owners
  • In the history of signal levels by ONU, sorting has been changed to date descending

3.11.21 - 22.10.2017

  • Separate output of subscribers in ‘STOP’ status is added in subscribers' income in accounting department and income on these subscribers is not included in calculation
  • Fixed display of information on ONU on OLT in the inventory card
  • Fixed sorting in the list of communication nodes when adding a device

3.11.20 - 21.10.2017

  • Some refinements for Huawei ONU/OLT

3.11.19 - 20.10.2017

  • Fixed some errors when viewing the calendar of the assigned unit from under the task card
  • Fixed hiding of inaccessible task groups in the left menu
  • Optimised display of vehicle/personnel route on coverage map
  • Fixed alphabetical sorting of node names in the equipment switching menu
  • When hot-swapping a switch and moving it to a warehouse - it goes there with the current IP-address.
  • Fixed some syntax errors

3.11.18 - 17.10.2017

  • Fixed some update errors
  • Fixed some bugs when displaying the list of houses in an inaccessible neighbourhood

3.11.17 - 16.10.2017

  • Fixed some update bugs
  • Added notification to the main page if usm_ping module has not been run for a long time

3.11.16 - 13.10.2017

  • The field for entering the hour interval has been enlarged in the task chain setting
  • Fixed handling of special characters in accounting data when capturing information from equipment
  • Fixed some inaccuracies in API->device->get_data method
  • Fixed page switching in the us_control equipment polling log

3.11.15 - 09.10.2017

  • Fixed an error with displaying links to create unavailable task types in the subscriber card
  • Fixed an error in the subscriber list when filtering by several districts of a settlement at the same time

3.11.14 - 05.10.2017

  • Fixed search in TMC by MAC-address of radio equipment that is transferred to the subscriber

3.11.13 - 03.10.2017

  • Fixed some errors with creation of address objects with long name
  • Fixed an error with checking permissions for creating new tasks
  • Slightly changed the logic of the scheduler task ‘Transfer information about connected potential clients to current clients’
  • Improved functionality of getting ONU list for C-Data FD1216S
  • Values of additional fields were not displayed in the list of crosses/ODFs

3.11.12 - 22.09.2017

  • Fixed quick house search with fractions in the address in the top panel
  • Improved API method customer->get_abon_id
  • Increased maximum height of job row in table with jobs for printable version
  • Fixed some inaccuracies when importing the directory of communication nodes

3.11.11 - 20.09.2017

  • Opening of the coverage card has been slightly optimised
  • Fixed doubling of flat number in subscriber data in task card
  • Improved API->inventory->add_inventory method
  • Fixed sorting in Excel when viewing task list
  • Removed link length restriction in own customisable links and pages
  • Fixed display of nested objects in expanding address list
  • Fixed display of the list of storeys for houses with different number of storeys

3.11.10 - 17.09.2017

  • Optimised loading of objects on the coverage map
  • Added support of radio subscriber list for Eltex WOP-12AC-LR

3.11.9 - 14.09.2017

  • Fixed output of the list of works with non-standard completion statuses in the worksheet
  • Fixed filters by end date in work plan
  • Added check when adding a switch for matching of IP-address with IP-addresses of TICs

3.11.8 - 13.09.2017

  • Fixed issue with job closing form when the window was larger than the screen

3.11.7 - 07.09.2017

  • Fixed filter by date in work plan (in case of multiple filters with date)
  • Fixed search for network equipment manufacturer by MAC-address - in subscriber search
  • Fixed display of special characters in VLAN description

3.11.6 - 03.09.2017

  • Fixed quick search of FOCLs/communication lines by text with capital letters when transferring goods to these objects
  • Fixed calculation of free ports in the list of switches
  • Fixed display of columns with additional fields in the list of FOCLs

3.11.5 - 31.08.2017

  • When adding FOCLs and Lines - lists of end nodes are not loaded all at once, but are displayed by search
  • Fixed editing of MAC-address in radio equipment card

3.11.4 - 29.08.2017

  • Fixed display of tooltip on icons with tasks on the map
  • Fixed bug in text sum generation when generating documents
  • Fixed display of bandwidth on switch ports
  • Fixed error when filtering subscribers with unknown address in the subscriber list

3.11.3 - 22.08.2017

  • Fixed displaying of subscription fee by tariff in subscriber card in case of using several billing services
  • Geographical region is taken into account when viewing the income report for additional services
  • Fixed switching between pages in ONU signal strength history

3.11.2 - 20.08.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11.1 - 20.08.2017

  • Improved selector for selecting a house when adding FOCS
  • Adjusted sorting of the list of communication centres in the house card
  • Fixed a possible error with inoperability of layers with additional equipment on the coverage map

3.11 - 19.08.2017

  • Fixed some errors in the calculation of the network growth graph

3.11rc3.5 - 17.08.2017

  • Fixed an error in automatic update of subscriber data from billing systems

3.11rc3.4 - 17.08.2017

  • Fixed some inaccuracies in the movement of objects on the switching scheme
  • Fixed an error in forming the list of recipients for reducing reserves in warehouses
  • Fixed some errors with partial adding of inventory items to a transaction
  • Fixed output of search results by employees in the quick search of the upper panel

3.11rc3.3 - 11.08.2017

  • Changed the operation of the mail service. Now you can disable encryption for SMTP

3.11rc3.2 - 08.08.2017

  • Fixed an error in displaying the list of subscribers in some cases
  • Fixed operation of the report ‘Subscribers connected to multiple equipment ports’
  • Fixed display of addresses in the quick search of the top panel
  • Fixed incorrect display of operator profile name in the list of operators in some cases

3.11rc3.1 - 08.08.2017

  • In the node card, corrected the final value of the equipment energy consumption
  • Some obsolete resource-intensive functions have been eliminated. Overall system performance has been improved.

3.11rc3 - 06.08.2017

  • Fixed media converter hot swapping
  • Fixed some cases of tariffs displaying in case of using multiple billings
  • Fixed artefacts in the top quick search block
  • Fixed equipment power consumption report
  • Fixed filter with work plan by subscriber's full name
  • Fixed horizontal scrolling at screen width 1280 px
  • Fixed auto-enabling of setting with switching scaling each time on refresh

3.11rc2.9 - 01.08.2017

  • Fixed some bugs for manual billing

3.11rc2.8 - 28.07.2017

  • Fixed error when viewing the patch panel list and FOCL list in cases when there is no node available
  • Fixed display of the list of inactive ONUs
  • Fixed calculations of the current subscription fee in the accounting department for subscribers with several tariffs
  • Fixed fixing of ONU activity when taking information from OLT
  • Adjusted search in the upper panel
  • Improved API method Address->add_city
  • Fixed check for minimum search string length in the subscriber search form

3.11rc2.7 - 25.07.2017

  • Corrected output of the report on subscriber fee growth by company
  • Fixed an error in displaying the switching scheme of an accommodation object
  • Redesigned ONU list capture functionality for Eltex LTP-8X
  • Fixed some conflicts of the widget with thunderstorms

3.11rc2.6 - 22.07.2017

  • Significantly optimised rendering of switching schemes
  • Fixed display of the list of arbitrary devices
  • Optimised output of the work order form in the work order card
  • Fixed editing of IP addresses for devices

3.11rc2.5 - 19.07.2017

  • Fixed ‘Use IP address of current device’ option when hot-swapping equipment
  • Fixed instant change of coupling name when changing its type to ‘communication node’
  • Fixed editing of notes in the equipment card
  • Fixed some errors during update
  • Optimised display of task list

3.11rc2.4 - 15.07.2017

  • Fixed simultaneous placement of nodes on the map file and on the geoservice map
  • Fixed bug with activity status fixing in the equipment log
  • Fixed ‘Status in billing’ filter in subscribers list

3.11rc2.3 - 14.07.2017

  • Added ‘Module usm_asterisk - Search by full number match’ parameter
  • Added ‘Hardware - Drag-and-drop in switching scheme’ parameter
  • Added ‘Hardware - Scale change in switching scheme’ parameter
  • When sending messages between operators - blocked operators are excluded from the list of recipients
  • Fixed group deletion of subscribers
  • Fixed transliteration of some Ukrainian characters

3.11rc2.2 - 12.07.2017

  • Fixed editing of equipment access properties
  • Fixed display of node switching scheme with special characters in subscribers' names
  • Fixed link to reboot the device in the switch card

3.11rc2.1 - 12.07.2017

  • Fixed display of pending tasks in the work plan that have not yet reached the due date
  • Fixed display of values of additional fields in the task in the work calendar

3.11rc2 - 11.07.2017

  • Fixed loading of files with two-letter extension
  • New sub-accounts (instalment, custody...) are now displayed correctly when transferring inventory items to a subscriber.
  • Maximum zoom on OpenStreet maps increased from 18 to 22
  • Fixed output of SMS list

3.11rc1.7 - 09.07.2017

  • Fixed a bug with the scheduler (in some cases jobs were not executed)

3.11rc1.6 - 07.07.2017

  • Fixed error with file attachment in subscriber's personal cabinet
  • Improved FDB table capture for Cisco WS-C3750-24TS-S
  • Counter of the number of ‘my tasks’ in the left menu has been corrected

3.11rc1.5 - 06.07.2017

  • In the left menu in the list of task types, sorting of types by alphabetical order has been corrected
  • The item ‘By all ports except Uplink’ has been returned to the structural diagram of the switch

3.11rc1.4 - 05.07.2017

  • Fixed bug with non-working scheduler

3.11rc1.3 - 04.07.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11rc1.2 - 02.07.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.11rc1 - 02.07.2017

  • Initial release