Upgrade 3.3

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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Update date: January 2014

Version required: 3.2

A few words from the author - version features

  • We are very actively engaged in PON - you can read about it on the relevant page
  • We are now working with "BGBilling"
  • We have added a network structure diagram, which can be built by any device - and display the whole up/down tree of the network ‘’(e.g. by UPLINK port of the switch)‘’

Features of the upgrade

  • Some or all tariffs may be missing in the ‘Tariffs - List of tariffs’ section. To solve the issue, you need to go to the ‘Setup - Billings’ section and switch on all offered ‘’(as a rule it will be the ‘Main’ region)‘’ for the billing ‘Work regions’. After that, in the section ‘’Settings - Work Regions‘’ for this previously selected region you should specify all geographical objects that exist in the system ‘’(including so-called ‘’Objects without address‘’)‘’.

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction