Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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It is possible to configure the use of two-factor authorisation for customer logins. The "Google Authenticator" application is used

To enable/disable this feature, use a variable in the .env file


After enabling this variable when a correct username and password are entered when a customer logs in:

  • If the customer has not yet configured 2FA - a QR code will be displayed to add the resource to the Google Authenticator application
  • If the customer has already configured 2FA - an additional field for entering the code from the "Google Authenticator" application will appear.

In case the customer loses his/her phone and, consequently, access, or for other reasons - it is possible to reset 2FA binding in the customer's card, which will require a new registration/setup of 2FA at the next login attempt.

Links to official applications:

