HotFix For 3.6 EN

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HotFix list for version 3.6

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

#3 - 17.07.2015

  • In the list of streets and houses, added filtering by all additional fields and output of the list to Excel
  • For personnel work sheets, added filter for selection of all tasks, only where there are performers.
  • Group action ‘Add observer’ added to the work plan
  • For layers of objects on the map you can specify whether to display these objects on the map by default or not.
  • A link to the printable version has been added to the task card.
  • The parameter ‘Display information about employees’ birthdays on the main page’ has been added to the setting
  • Added ‘Additional field with date of birth’ parameter to the setting
  • Fixed some bugs and added new ones

#2 - 19.06.2015

  • In the filter of operations by warehouse added the ability to filter in general by the type of commodities, rather than by a specific commodity name
  • Quick search has been added when adding FOCS to the trace
  • In the card of FOCL and Cross/ODF added links to print their switching table
  • The parameter ‘Enable search for house coordinates via Nominatim service’ has been added to the settings
  • Added ‘Mark houses active on the map only by equipment activity’ parameter to the setting
  • When the setting parameter ‘At least one executor/unit must remain in tasks’ is enabled, initial creation of tasks without executors is prohibited.
  • The possibility to specify additional fields has been added to the FOCS list fields setting.
  • Fixed some errors and added new ones

#1 - 06.04.2015

  • Added ‘Polygon size when adding a house to the map’ parameter to the setting
  • In the list of subscribers in the filter by additional fields the selection conditions have been extended
  • In the news by tasks events on tasks where the operator is the author are displayed
  • In the house card added a link to the report on energy consumption of equipment by house
  • In the owner's card added a link to the report on energy consumption of equipment by objects subordinate to the owner.
  • The parameter ‘URL in the agent to the personal account’ has been added to the settings
  • For the report on the number of subscribers in houses, the data in the context of each billing are displayed separately, as well as the methodology for calculating penetration has been changed.
  • The parameter ‘Allow to create a house when editing a subscriber's address’ has been added to the setting
  • The parameter ‘At least one executor/unit must remain in the tasks’ has been added to the settings
  • For colours of fibres and FOC modules you can specify 3 labels per colour.
  • In the switch card - added a link to the ssh protocol for this device
  • In the card of inventory, if it is about equipment - it is possible to edit failed ports.
  • For manual billing in the list of subscribers it is possible to perform group action with selected subscribers - tariff change
  • When registering a subscriber's call ‘’(in the subscriber card)‘’, additional fields for this type of tasks are also displayed
  • In the table setting - for placement objects ‘’(nodes, couplings, etc.)‘’ the possibility to display a column with coordinates has been added.
  • Possibility to transfer all tasks from the current subscriber to another subscriber in the subscriber card
  • Fixed some errors and added new ones