HotFix For 3.5 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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HotFix list for version 3.5

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

#3 - 01.03.2015

  • Added a column with the last number of MAC addresses received from the equipment to the us_peleng module operation information report
  • In the report ‘Coverage - Streets and houses - List of houses not marked on the map’ added links for quick editing of global data about a house ‘’(including indication of its location on the map)‘’'.
  • Added setting parameter for subscriber card ‘Allow to change contract number only for operators with the right to access the setting’
  • In the quick search of the upper panel, added possibility to clear the results and hide the window with search results when pressing the ‘Esc’ key.
  • In the employee's card when displaying the list of inventory items on the employee - added link to view the detailed list
  • When specifying a note on a CB - this note is displayed on all other CBs that are further connected to this CB.
  • In the subscriber list filter the filter by additional fields has been changed
  • In the filter of subscribers list added filter by house owner
  • Filter by subscriber's billing has been added to the statistics of task fulfilment
  • Fixed some errors

#2 - 26.01.2015

  • In the subscriber's card, if the subscriber is connected to radio equipment, the information on the activity of the port of this equipment is displayed ‘’(previously this functionality was only available when the subscriber was connected to a switch)‘’
  • Search on the map by default suggests the settlement which is currently displayed on the screen
  • When adding/editing a subscriber and specifying an address - if there is already a subscriber at the given address and flat, a warning message will be displayed.
  • A condition of selection by subscriber's house has been added to SMS-dispatch
  • Billing selection condition added to SMS text message
  • Added selection condition by account type: Individuals/Legal Entities to the SMS text message
  • Added ‘OLT’ and ‘ONU’ items to the selection filter in the ‘Hardware - Switches’ section
  • Added setting parameter for subscriber card ‘Convert phone number to standard system template’.
  • In the card of the managed equipment in the table of ports the information about the name of interfaces is displayed.
  • In the card of the managed equipment in the table of ports the information about the number of errors on the port is displayed.
  • For manual billing added setting parameter ‘Set subscriber status when adding a subscriber’
  • For manual billing added setting parameter ‘Allow to submit (by operator) application for tariff change to any tariff plan’
  • For manual billing added possibility to submit a request for tariff change ‘’(by operator)‘’ with selection of date when to execute it.
  • When editing FOCL, added a link for quick change of FOCL end objects locations
  • Pop-up dialogue windows are made mouse movable
  • When importing a list of addresses, you can specify the number of entrances, floors, flats.
  • When importing the list of communication nodes/couplings, etc., you can specify coverage map and coordinates. - you can specify coverage map and coordinates
  • Fixed some errors

#1 - 03.12.2014

  • Possibility to change the node of cross/ODF placement
  • Disconnected subscribers are not counted in the report on the number of subscribers in houses
  • In the switching scheme of a node the output of inscriptions on FOCL has been corrected
  • In the work plan in group actions with tasks added possibility to remove additional status from selected tasks
  • When adding commodities, the unit of measurement of this type of commodity is shown next to the ‘Quantity’ field.
  • Disconnected subscribers are now not counted in the growth chart
  • A link to disconnection of a subscriber has been added to the subscriber's card. If the parameter ‘When adding a subscriber for disconnection, create a task’ is filled in, a completed task of the specified type will also be created.
  • For the ruler on the map, added display of the length of ‘’(between points)‘’ segments at each of the intermediate points.
  • Added parameter - ‘When adding a subscriber, offer the next tariff’ to the settings
  • Added parameter - ‘Remove the link “Disconnect” in the subscriber's card’ to the settings.
  • Added parameter - ‘Remove link “Change record type (physical person/juridical person)” in subscriber's card’ to the setting.
  • Fixed some errors