HotFix For 3.3 EN

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HotFix list for version 3.3

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

#7 - 09.06.2014

  • A filter has been added to the ‘Personnel - Fines’ section
  • When returning a switch, media converter, radio equipment to the warehouse from under the device card - added the ability to specify a note
  • In the job card you can specify which job is parent/related for the current job
  • In the report on searching rings on switch ports - added output of the list of matching MAC-addresses
  • In SMS-distribution you can add a condition by tariff plan, IP-address range or street of subscriber connection
  • Additional fields can be used to customise the list of communication nodes.
  • For each radio equipment it is possible to specify its own colour of sector display on the map.
  • In the Cross/ODF card and FOCL card you can attach files to adapters/fibres
  • In the employee card you can select a photo
  • Radio equipment list now has customisable fields
  • The list of subscribers in the house card now has customisable fields
  • In group actions of ‘Work plan’ added possibility to assign subdivision to works
  • The parameter ‘In information about subscriber's switching on the port - specify subscriber's balance’ has been added to the setting
  • The parameter ‘Prohibit deleting a house if the owner is specified for the house’ has been added to the setting
  • The parameter ‘Prohibit subscriber to switch off receiving SMS’ has been added to the setting.
  • Added ‘Allow commenting on tasks that are “Running”’ to the setting
  • Added ‘Display link to recharge card input’ parameter in subscriber's card to the setting
  • Added ‘Confirm receipt’ parameter to the setting ‘When moving goods from warehouse to warehouse - confirm receipt’ to the setting
  • Added to the setting the parameter ‘In the cashier's interface, display a duplicate field for entering the amount’
  • The parameter ‘When task status changes to “Running”, send a message to the next e-mail’ has been added to the settings.
  • Added ‘When opening a work plan - centre the list on today's tasks’ parameter to the settings
  • Minor bug fixes

#6 - 23.04.2014

  • In the warehouse in the list of commodities added a filter by a specific house of commodities location
  • In SMS distribution added condition ‘Subscribers of the settlement area’
  • Customisable SMS template for the executor when assigning to a task
  • In task descriptions, comments, additional fields, if a URL link is specified in the text, it will be transformed
  • For the section ‘Billing Status - Billing not specified’ added the ability to selectively/all delete subscribers or transfer them to ‘Former subscribers’.
  • The option ‘In the cashier interface enable autocomplete for payment assignment’ has been added to the setting
  • In Setup - Main added option ‘In the left menu add function to send random SMS’.
  • Added ‘When adding inventory items, offer free inventory number’ parameter to the setting

#5 - 04.04.2014

  • Search by card number/PIN code has been added for the ‘Top-up cards’ section
  • In ‘Notepad’ sections it is possible to separate access for different operator profiles
  • For each of their additional fields in the subscriber's card added the ability to enable the parameter ‘Available to subscriber’ - the value of the additional field will be visible in the personal cabinet and available for filling in when registering.
  • Added ‘Send SMS to employees assigned to the task’ parameter to the setting
  • Added ‘Send SMS to performers when adding a comment’ parameter to the settings
  • On the switching scheme added the possibility to change the sides (line/station) for cross-countries
  • For each switch it is now possible to disable auto-removal of port state information when opening the switch card.
  • Added ‘Delete MAC address entries on ports after (days)’ option to the configuration
  • Added ‘Display contract number in quick search in the upper panel’ parameter to the setting
  • In the report on cashier operations, a filter by marks on subscribers has been added
  • When an operator makes a payment to a subscriber ‘’(in the subscriber card)‘’ it is possible to specify that this payment is cashless
  • When configuring switch stacking interfaces, a tool has been added to make it easier to fill in fields
  • In the operator card, you can specify the IP address ranges from which this operator is allowed to access the system.
  • A filter has been added to the VLAN list.
  • In the report on problem houses it is now possible to specify the types of tasks for which it should be generated.
  • It is possible to swap switching of station and line side in crosses
  • For switching scheme of a node the possibility to increase the working web has been added
  • In the equipment card it is possible to integrate TIC not only per port, but also per device as a whole
  • In the employee card the list of inventory items in the sub-account is displayed

#4 - 13.03.2014

  • It is possible to attach files to notepad entries
  • In the table setting added setting of lists of communication nodes, couplings, wells, supports
  • Added power consumption report to the list of switches
  • ‘Setup - Job classifier’ - it is possible to sort job types and groups of job types at your own discretion.
  • For coverage maps of the ‘Google Maps’ type, the ability to search for addresses and move/centre the map to the found object has been added
  • Added the parameter ‘When receiving FDB-table, do not update activity of objects’ to the setting
  • Added parameter - ‘Prohibit password change in personal cabinet’ to the setting
  • Added parameter - ‘Allow to transfer task to the status “Done” only from the status “Running”’ to the setting
  • Added the ability to attach images to the product catalogue

#3 - 02.03.2014

  • An operator with FOCS editing rights has access to the ‘Setup - Basic - FOCS’ section
  • On the coverage map, the ‘Nodes’ layer is divided into ‘Nodes’, ‘Couplings’, ‘Supports’, ‘Wells’
  • For a house, you can specify that it is an ‘office building’.
  • In the work plan, the sorting mode of the list is memorised.
  • Columns added to work plan - date of task update and date by which the task should be completed ‘’(switchable)‘’'.
  • In Widgets on the main page added a report on violation of stock reserves
  • In Table Setup - Switch List added the ability to display additional fields
  • In the setting added the parameter - ‘Allow to edit the cash order number when entering’.
  • In the manual billing mode added parameter - ‘Never block legal entities subscribers’.
  • In the graph of income from subscriber fees and statistics on network growth - added division into physical/legal persons
  • Any operator can choose their own interface language in their personal settings
  • In the subscriber's card and in the personal cabinet it is possible to switch off SMS receipt
  • Global search also searches for TMCs by MAC address
  • In the communication centre card it is possible to transfer goods directly from the warehouse
  • A field for describing the type of work has been added to the section ‘[[Setup - Job classifier]’.
  • In the section ‘Setup - Job classifier’ added a flag - all new jobs of this type should be displayed on the main page
  • In the list of subscribers added filters by number of entrance, by district of settlement, by marks on the subscriber, by balance, by date of addition to the base and by adding operator.
  • Additional fields have been added for crosses/ODFs
  • In FOCL catalogue added possibility to specify tensile force with fractional value
  • In the list of subscribers with additional services added column with notes on services
  • In the work plan filter added possibility of filtering by absence of additional statuses in tasks
  • Fixed error - when FOCL was broken, existing tags remained only on one FOCL segment

#2 - 28.01.2014

  • In the job card added the ability to send SMS to all employees of the unit assigned to the job at once
  • In the job classifier for each job type, added the parameter ‘In the form of adding a job, offer the default date of execution: Current + n-hours’.
  • In the top panel search, added search by employees
  • In ‘Statistics’ in the information on the number of houses, added division into private and apartment sector
  • In the ‘Warehouse’ section it is possible to delete the operation of incoming goods, if there were no further operations on the goods.
  • When registering a new call from a subscriber, in addition to entering your own note, you can also select predefined standard comments for tasks.
  • The ‘Notepad’ section has been expanded to six fields per entry ‘’(previously three)‘’'
  • A new field type ‘’‘Text Field’‘’ has been added for additional fields
  • When goods arrive at the warehouse - added the possibility of specifying an arbitrary date of arrival
  • In the card of communication unit/coupling/support/pit added output of coordinates of their location
  • Fixed error - in some cases when specifying the name of the settlement with inverted commas - errors occurred

#1 - 22.01.2014

  • When disabling the subscriber's personal cabinet - it is impossible to write a message to the subscriber in the subscriber's card
  • In additional fields a new type of fields has been added - ‘Select from list’, where you can specify your own preset values
  • Customisable additional fields have been added for communication nodes/couplings/gauge/supports
  • The parameter ‘Mark subscribers with negative balance in IP-network only if balance is less than’ has been added to the setting
  • In widgets on the main page added information about the number of subscribers to be disconnected
  • In the report on connected ONUs for subscriber ONUs added subscriber address
  • In the structural scheme for FOCLs their length is specified
  • Fixed error - in some cases it was impossible to create a task in the subscriber card
  • Fixed bug - the total number of records was incorrectly displayed in the report for subscribers connected in houses other than their own.
  • Fixed bug - when adding a task for a non-existent house, in some cases a new house could not be added.