FAQ. A former customer becomes a regular customer
See Former customers
Former customers are customers who are not in the billing system. When importing from billing systems - all customers that are imported - are defined as regular customers (not former ones). Even if these customers in the billing are listed as disconnected, blocked, with terminated contracts, etc. If you want that some customers have been in the billing, but at the same time in the ERP "UserSide" were in the category "Former customers" - then configure the import in the module interaction with the billing so that such customers will not be imported. For example - transfer customers to some group in the billing and disable the import of such a group in the interaction module settings.
If a customer is in the "Former customers" category, but he/she is present in the billing and gets into the import - when the interaction module works, such a customer will be moved to the category of regular customers (not former ones). This is also relevant when a customer was disconnected in the billing, but later returned and his/her old account is used.