Usm bgbilling EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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This function is one of the possibilities
to update the activity date of an object

usm_bgbilling - module for organising the import of data from the BGBilling billing system into ERP UserSide

This module is a replacement for the deprecated us_bgbilling module - See: Migration from us bgbilling to usm bgbilling

Module Language: PHP

Current version: See page: Modules

Module Status: Paid

For more information and a list of imported data, see the page: BGBilling

Information on installing the module

Make sure that the php_mysqli library is present on the system where the module will run

The archive contains the files


1. On any server (no difference - billing server, userside or third machine) allocate a separate (random) directory for the module and place these files in it

2. Allocate a separate directory for the module logs. Give write permissions to this directory.

3. Rename the example configuration file usm_bgbilling.conf.php-example to usm_bgbilling.conf.php and make the required changes (the list of parameters is given below) in it

4. Run the module manually several times (*) with the command

php usm_bgbilling.php

It should work without error and return data:

 Start module at 2015-11-22 17:32:03
Finish module at 2015-11-22 17:32:14

* - At the first run - many objects will be pre-created only. The more objects the module imports - the longer it will take. The second and further runs will reconcile the changed data and only these will be updated. The second run will also take a long time, because after the first run the newly created objects do not contain any data. But the third and further runs will run much faster.

5. Visually verify the completeness of the imported data in the ERP "UserSide"

6. When it is clear that the module works stably - add it to the system cron for periodic operation (specify the necessary paths)

*/10 * * * * php usm_bgbilling.php


The module is configured in the usm_bgbilling.conf.php file

You can also use the default parameters from the usm_billing module