Technical requirements

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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  • Operating system: Any on which the following applications can run. We recommend using Linux or FreeBSD
  • Web server: Any one of your choice that you can configure to work with PHP. We recommend NGINX or Apache2
  • Interpreter: PHP with a set of free standard extensions. The language version and extension set depends on the USERSIDE version. The mysqli extension is also required when working with billing modules that use the MySQL RDBMS. Python3 is also used to run external USM modules. The set of Python modules is different for each USM and is set automatically.
  • RDBMS: Depending on the USERSIDE version, PostgreSQL or MySQL or a combination of both is used. (see: Installation)
  • Hardware: Very much depends on the number of operators working simultaneously, the number of pieces of equipment and users. It is not possible to recommend specific equipment parameters, but the following can be noted as a recommendation:
The more operators working simultaneously, the greater the number of processor cores needed to ensure more comfortable parallel operation.
The greater the amount of information processed (number of users, pieces of equipment) - the greater the amount of RAM required.
Regarding the storage system, the faster it is - it is better. The amount of data required is determined solely by the amount of customer-specific data.

Configurations with a small number of users and equipment with 1...3 operators running simultaneously are fine on a VPS with two virtual CPUs and 2GB of RAM.

Configurations with a large number of equipment, users and 10 simultaneous operators may require a dedicated server for PHP with at least 8 cores and a dedicated server for RDBMS with fast storage.

  • Browsers: Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari. Internet Explorer is only partially supported and compatibility is not guaranteed.

Important: The system may work in other configurations, but the above ones are stable. The recommended operating systems and applications above are preferable if you need technical support for them. You can use Windows with an IIS web server or something else without issue, but we unfortunately cannot provide technical support for this software.

Maximum performance

The best performance will be ensured under the conditions:

  • A separate dedicated server for HTTP + PHP
  • Operating system: Debian (the most preferable, in terms of ease of maintenance)
  • Web server: nginx
  • PHP: latest version 7.3
  • RAM: 16 GB minimum. Better 64 GB
  • RDBMS: PostgreSQL 10+ (see: Installation. PostgreSQL must necessarily be configured to work with specific hardware to achieve maximum utilization!
  • SSD to host the database and system files. Ideally RAID 5 with a large fast cache.