Switching redevelopment

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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See also: Switching scheme

Starting from version 3.15, the possibility of limited planning of changes in the switching of cable lines in communication installations has been added. For this purpose, the "Redevelopment" link is used in the switching scheme


It is possible to create several planned schemes to work on at the same time



Once a scheme is created - there is an option to switch to it


After that - the top menu of the switching scheme will change appearance and the current connections between cable lines will become less visible


Perform the planned commutation between the fibres/conductors of the cable lines. This interface will be similar to the regular switching interface between objects, but will be slightly different in colour scheme


Once the planned commutation is done - the newly commuted objects will be marked with a thick green line. This is not an actual commutation. This is just a draft.


Repeat the steps for as long as it takes to add all the necessary planned commutations


In the "Redevelopment" menu we can return to the current state. All planned commutations will not be visible.


After the actual work is done - we can confirm or reject the previously planned connection
