Modules EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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ERP "UserSide" modules are divided into internal and external modules. External modules are separate scripts or programmes that can operate remotely from the main system (with a connection to the system database), while internal modules are already built into the system and can be enabled/disabled in the "Settings - Modules" section.

Frequent questions about modules are collected in the corresponding section "Frequently Asked Questions".

Installing modules. General information for all modules

1. For each module - allocate a separate directory.

2. During operation, all modules keep logs of their work. The path for the catalogue with logs is specified in the configuration file. It is highly recommended to create a separate catalogue for logs for each module. Do not forget to specify write permissions for this catalogue.

3. Modules are usually used for ongoing operation. They should be written to the system cron with a frequency of 5-15 minutes (depending on the load). At the first launch it is recommended to run the module manually from the system console and make sure that no errors occur and data are imported/processed correctly.

General information for billing interaction modules

1. The user's address is processed and recorded in the addresses accounting system built into ERP "UserSide". In case the required building does not exist in ERP "UserSide" it will be created. If the building already exists and is added to the system not by the resources of the module, it will still be correctly processed and assigned to users.

2. If a user is in ERP "UserSide", but is not found in billing, he is not deleted from ERP "UserSide", but is marked with the status "not in billing". This is done for security purposes - otherwise in case of update failure - all users may be deleted, as they will not be found in the billing.

3. If a user's Internet activity date is later than the online activity date, then the online activity date is equated to the online activity date.

4. When updating data from billing - not all user data is updated - e.g. name, address, phone number may remain unchanged. Loading of such data can be enabled in the "Settings - Billings" section for the required billing.

A brief description of the modules

A detailed description is provided on the page of each module

usm_billing - provides import of information about users, addresses, tariff plans, etc. from billing into USERSIDE. It is possible to support your own self-written billing. On the basis of this module separate modules for standard billing systems are created: usm_abills, usm_bgbilling, usm_hydra, usm_lanbilling, usm_nodeny, usm_nodeny_plus, usm_utm5