FAQ. Activity ONU

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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In general, onu/ont do not have an IP address and therefore cannot be pinged.

Only the usm_pon module can detect their activity or when viewing the onu/ont list in the olt card.

Receiving list of onu from olt - module puts fresh date of activity for active onu.

The next time the module is executed, it will again update the active date, and so on.

According to the standard rule - after 15 minutes the equipment (including onu) becomes inactive. In this way - an active onu will become inactive after 15 minutes.

However - the main purpose of module usm_pon is not monitoring onu activity at all. This is a side function of....

Module usm_pon processes all OLTs that are available at startup and may not have time to poll them in 15 minutes. So load module and OLT only for the sake of constant updating of activity onu - doubtful idea. It is not a good idea to do this and get hung up on it.

It is worth accepting that there is a general understanding of when onu worked. This is quite enough. If you want accuracy - you can open a list of onu on OLT and see the current situation.