API device EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Section API ERP "UserSide"

Purpose: Equipment

Additional parameters:
action - request subcategory (possible value: see below)



Modified in 3.19beta1 (object_type parameter removed)

Description: Adding a mark
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch] (before version 3.19beta1)
 object_id - device id
 mark_id - mark ID


Added in: 3.14.13

Description: Obtain information about connected ONUs to OLT (stored information from the database. Direct polling is not performed)
Optional parameters:
 device_id - OLT ID (can be comma separated)
 level_onu_rx_min - minimum incoming signal level on ONU (select records with level less than...)
 level_onu_rx_max - maximum incoming signal level on ONU (select records with level higher than...)


Added with: 3.16dev4

Description: Get some current information on ONU (directly from OLT)
Required parameters:
 id - device id (ONU)


Modified in: 3.13.63 (added possible serial_number value to data_typer)

Modified in: 3.12.95 (added possible mac value to data_typer)

Description: Retrieve device ID from incoming data
Required parameters:
 object_type - device type [switch]
 data_typer - type of data to be checked (possible values: ip, mac, inventory_number, serial_number, additional_field_XXX)
 data_value - value


Modified in: 3.18.4 (added is_hide_access_data parameter)

Modified in: 3.17beta1 (added node_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.15.18 (added object_type=olt)

Modified in: 3.14.14 (added is_hide_ifaces_data parameter)

Modified in: 3.12.38 (added object_type=all)

Description: Retrieve device information
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch|onu|olt|radio|all]
Optional parameters:
 node_id - id of the communication facility (can be comma separated)
 object_id - id of the object to be selected
 is_online - flag - select only active devices (1 - active, -1 - inactive)
 is_hide_ifaces_data - flag - hide detailed information on equipment interfaces
 is_hide_access_data - flag - hide information on equipment access parameters


Added with: 3.17dev1

Description: Get current information on interfaces (directly from the device)
Required parameters:
 id - device id


Added with: 3.12beta25

Description: List of interfaces with MAC addresses on the device
Required parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch]
 object_id - id of the device to be sampled


Description: Get a list of MAC addresses that were found on the device
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch]
 object_id - id of the device to be sampled
Optional parameters:
 interface_list - Interface number for which to output the list (can be comma separated)


Modified in: 3.16dev4 (added device_id parameter)

Added from: 3.12.81

Description: Get the latest information on ONU
Obligatory parameters:
 id - MAC address or serial number (id)
 device_id - device id (ONU)


Modified in: 3.16.19 (added onu_device_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.16dev4 (added device_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.12.60 (added parameters limit, order_by, is_desc)

Added from: 3.12.53

Description: Obtain history of PON signal levels by ONU
Obligatory parameters:
 onu_name - MAC address or serial number of ONU (without separators)
 device_id - device id (OLT)
 onu_device_id - device id (ONU)
Optional parameters:
 limit - limit of the list of output data
 order_by - data sorting field
 is_desc - flag - sorting in reverse order


Description: Mark removal
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch]
 object_id - device id
 mark_id - mark ID


Added in: 3.15.7

Description: Read FDB-table from device (may run for a long time)
Required parameters:
 device_id - device id


Modified in 3.17dev1 (added possible value of date_last_activity to param)

Modified in 3.14.53 (added possible value of downlink_port, uplink_port to param)

Modified in 3.13.61 (added possible value of iface_count to param)

Modified in 3.12.74 (added possible value of comment to param)

Description: Change device information
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Device type [switch]
 object_id - device id
 param - type of parameter to change [ip|mac|comment|iface_count|downlink_port|uplink_port|date_last_activity]
 value - data (may be empty)


Added with: 3.15beta3

Description: Changes the state of the interface on the device
Obligatory parameters:
 device_id - device id
 iface - interface number
 state - state [1|0]


Added in: 3.12beta25

Description: Search for MAC address in the polling history by hardware
Required parameters:
 mac - MAC address (upper case without separators)