API customer EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Section API ERP "UserSide"

Purpose: Actions with customers. Most actions are relevant for manual billing.

Additional parameters:
action - subcategory of the request (possible value: see below)



Modified in: 3.13.25 (added is_corporate parameter)

Description: Adding a customer
Optional parameters:
 fio - name of the customer
 codeti - customer id in the billing system
 is_potential - flag - potential customer
 is_corporate - flag - legal entity
 billing_id - billing id


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (excluded usercode parameter, added customer_id parameter)

Description: Display transactions with user (financial and other)
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier)' customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID


Modified in: 3.16dev2 (removed operator_id parameter, added employee_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.13.22 (added operator_id parameter)

Description: Balance change (income/expense operation)
Obligatory parameters:
customer_id - customer ID
 amount - Amount
 comment - operation notes
Optional parameters:
 employee_id - employee ID
 operator_id - operator ID (before version 3.16dev2)


Modified in: 3.16.23 (added billing_user_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12.48

Description: Billing modification
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer id
 billing_id - billing id
Optional parameters:
 billing_user_id - customer id in billing


Added in: 3.12.80

Description: Change the connection date
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 value - date


Added in: 3.14.21

Description: Deleting a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 id - customer ID


Modified in: 3.16dev3 (added group_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.13.56 (added manager_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12rc2

Description: Editing a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 id - customer ID
Optional parameters:
 account_number - personal account number
 agreement_date - agreement date
 agreement_number - agreement number
 apartment_number - flat number
 comment - notes
 date_activity - date of network activity
 date_activity_inet - date of internet activity
 date_connect - date of connection
 email - email address
 entrance - entrance number
 flag_corporate - flag - legal entity
 floor - floor
 group_id - group id
 house_id - house id
 is_potential - flag - potential customer
 login - login
 manager_id - id of manager employee
 name - name of customer
 parent_id - id of parent customer (for the child customer)
 phone0 - mobile phone number
 phone1 - home phone number


Added in: 3.12.81

Description: Retrieve the counter of active customers
Obligatory parameters:
 type - counter type (Possible values: net, internet, personal_area)


Modified in: 3.14.34 (added possible account value for data_typer parameter)

Description: Retrieving of customer ID from incoming data
Obligatory parameters:
 data_typer - type of data we are checking (possible values: account, billing_uid, codeti, dognumber, ip, login, mac, mail, phone)
 data_value - value
Optional parameters:
 is_skip_old - flag - do not search among former customers


Modified in: 3.18.10 (added is_corporate parameter)

Modified in: 3.16dev3 (added parameters name, limit, is_like)

Modified in: 3.15.26 (added is_ex parameter)

Modified in: 3.14.71 (added dependence_device_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.14.58 (added balance_from, balance_to, state_id parameters)

Modified in: 3.14.41 (added date_connect_from and date_connect_to parameters)

Modified in: 3.14.5 (added address_unit_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.13.48 (added tariff_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.13.35 (added mark_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12.8

Description: Retrieve list of customer IDs by incoming conditions
Obligatory parameters:
Optional parameters (but at least one condition must be specified):
 address_unit_id - address unit id
 appartment - number of the flat
 balance_from - balance (from)
 balance_to - balance (to)
 billing_id - billing number id
 date_connect_from - date of connection (from)
 date_connect_to - date of connection (to)
 dependence_device_id - id of the device the customers depend on
 house_id - house id
 is_corporate - flag - a legal entity
 is_ex - flag - former customers
 mark_id - mark id
 name - name/title of customer
 state_id - status id
 tariff_id - tariff id
 limit - maximum number of records to return in the response
 is_like - flag - use substring comparison where possible (not a full match)


Description: Receiving customer information
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 account_number - customer's personal account number
 billing_id - billing ID


Added in: 3.12beta35

Description: Obtain IP,MAC-addresses of customers with binding to switches (including for work with DHCP)


Description: Get the last used IP address for customers


Added to: 3.16dev8

Description: Get MAC address change history by customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID


Added in: 3.12.3

Description: Get the maximum occupied contract number (numeric)
Optional parameters:
 billing_id - billing id of customers among which to perform the selection


Modified in: 3.17.36 (added mac parameter)

Added in: 3.12.83

Description: Add IP address
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 value - IP
Optional parameters:
 mac - MAC of the customer


Modified in: 3.19beta1 (added possible value all to the value parameter)

Added in: 3.12.83

Description: Delete IP address
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 value - ip or "-1" for entries with no IP address (MAC address only) or "all" for all addresses


Added in: 3.14.71

Description: Adds a subnet of IP addresses for a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 ip - initial ip address
 subnet - subnet mask/VLSM (for example: 24)


Added to: 3.14.71

Description: Deletes a subnet of IP addresses from a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 ip - initial ip address


Excluded in: 3.13

Description: List of tariffs available to the customer to change tariffs
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - customer ID


Added in: 3.12.82

Description: Adds a label on a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 mark_id - mark id


Added in: 3.12.82

Description: Deletes a tag from a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 mark_id - mark id


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (usercode parameter removed, customer_id parameter added)

Modified in: 3.16dev3 (made usercode parameter optional)

Modified in: 3.16dev2 (excluded operator_id parameter, added employee_id parameter)

Modified in: 3.14.53 (added date_add_from, date_add_to, operator_id parameters)

Description: Display correspondence with a customer
Optional parameters (but must be one):
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID
 date_add_from - date of message (from)
 date_add_to - date of message (to)
 employee_id - id of the employee who authored the message
 operator_id - id of the operator who authored the message (before version 3.16dev2)


Added in: 3.13.25

Description: Adds a message from a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 text - Message text


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (usercode parameter removed, customer_id parameter added)

Modified in: 3.15.23 (pass_old parameter became optional)

Description: Change password for logging in to the Personal Cabinet
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID
 pass_new - new password
Additional parameters:
 pass_old - current password


Added in: 3.18beta1

Description: Add additional service
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 service_id - id of additional service
Optional parameters:
 price - individual price
 comment - notes


Added in: 3.18beta1

Description: Remove additional service
Obligatory parameters:
 customer_id - customer ID
 service_id - id of additional service


Added in: 3.12beta35

Description: specifies the MAC address for the customer's IP address
Obligatory parameters:
 ip - IP address of the customer (for example:
 mac - MAC address of the customer (for example: 00:11:22:33:44:55)


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (removed usercode parameter, added customer_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12.8

Description: change the job status of a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID
 state_id - customer status ID (0 - stop, 1 - paused, 2 - active)


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (excluded usercode parameter, added customer_id parameter)

Description: change of tariff for a customer
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID
 tarif - new tariff ID


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (removed usercode parameter, added customer_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12.69

Description: transfer a customer to the Former customers category
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID


Modified in: 3.17dev1 (removed usercode parameter, added customer_id parameter)

Added in: 3.12.90

Description: switch customer to normal status (from "Former customers")
Obligatory parameters:
 usercode - (for version 3.16 and earlier) customer ID
 customer_id - (for version 3.17 and later) customer ID