API commutation EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

en | ru

Section API ERP "UserSide"

Purpose: Commutation of objects

Additional parameters:
action - request subcategory (possible value: see below)'



Modified in: 3.14.71 (added cross variant to object_type, added cross variant to object2_type)

Modified in: 3.13.70 (added fibre variant to object_type, added fibre variant to object2_type, added object1_side and object2_side parameters)

Modified in: 3.12.59 (added object1_port parameter, added switch variant to object_type)

Description: Commutation of objects
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - object type [customer|switch|fiber|cross]
 object_id - object id
 object1_side - side of object 1 (for cable lines)
 object1_port - port of object 1
 object2_type - type of object 2 [switch|fiber|cross]
 object2_id - object 2 id
 object2_side - side of object 2 (for cable lines)
 object2_port - object 2 port


Modified in 3.14.56 (added device option to object_type, added object_port parameter)

Description: Clearing commutation
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - Type of object [customer|device]
 object_id - object id
Optional parameters:
 object_port - Port number (for device)


Modified in 3.14.12 (added splitter variant to object_type)

Modified in 3.12.52 (radio option added to object_type)

Description: Retrieve a commutation array
Obligatory parameters:
 object_type - The type of object to select [customer|switch|radio|cross|fiber|splitter]
Optional parameters:
 object_id - id of the object to select
 is_finish_data - Flag - output the final commutation point
Optional returned data:
   [data] = array(
     [object_type] => Object type
     [object_id] => object id
     [direction] => Commutation side (e.g. for FOCL)
     [interface] => Interface number
     [comment] => Notes
     [connect_id] => switching record id