Материал из WiKi - UserSide
Версия от 15:13, 30 октября 2023; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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This section describes the possibilities of using the inbuilt API in ERP "UserSide", which allows you to use the integrated functionality in your own projects.

The API does not cover all functionality at the moment and is gradually being developed, so this page will have frequent changes and additions.

Operating principle

The /api.php file is responsible for interaction.

Both GET and POST requests can be used.

Incoming Parameters:
 key - API key
 cat - category of the request
 skip_internal_api - flag - do not include internal system triggers (reasonable to use when your API method is a reaction to some trigger and it ends up looping itself during normal operation)
Other additional parameters, depending on the category (see below in the relevant categories). 
For example:
 customer_id - user id of the customer
 is_potential - flag. It can take the value 1 or 0. Most flags have the prefix is.

Example request:
Returned data:
 If the query involves some action or information return, information will be returned in JSON format:
   [Result] => OK / ERROR
   [ErrorText] => In case of an error, the error text
It is also reasonable to check the HTTP code of the response. In case of errors/incorrect requests - HTTP code will be different from 200

Basic setting

Configure the API Key.
