Upgrade 3.8

Материал из WiKi - UserSide
Версия от 13:29, 20 августа 2024; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая версия | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая версия → (разн.)

en | ru

Update date: December 2015

Version required: 3.7

A few words from the author - version features

  • Together with the developers of a number of billing systems, we have begun to change the mechanisms of interaction with billing. All work will be transferred to the API. We have written a new free usm_billing module, which currently already interacts with the latest versions of uBilling. - 0.7.2+, MikBill - 2.8.16+, active work with other billing systems is in progress. The next step will be interaction on active operations in billing - for example: adding a subscriber, changing the balance, etc. For the old versions of these billing systems at the moment remains the same work - with the old modules. You can also use this module to work with your own billing systems. This requires providing output in the format ‘Universal API
  • Also, the usm_peleng, usm_ping, usm_pon modules have been redesigned on the API ‘’(old names: us_peleng, us_ping, us_pon)‘’. You need to update them and reconfigure the configuration files.
  • On our website in the section for customers we added the ‘Ideas and suggestions’ functionality, where you can express all your ideas for improving the system, as well as read and support other people's suggestions

Features of the upgrade

  • If when you click on the “Update” link in the left menu, it says “Update” and then a blank screen - then you need:
1. main/config/config.php
Change the variable (or if not present - add it)

$zsqlcp = ‘utf8’;

2. change the userside database encoding to utf-8
see step 8
Frequently Asked Questions

List of Changes: view

Performing the upgrade: instruction