Customer card
The customer card contains all information about the customer, information about tasks related to the customer, communications with the customer, and allows you to perform a number of diagnostic actions.
The customer can have his or her own coordinates. To display it on the cover map you need to click on the edit link in the Address and Contact Information section and then accept the coordinates:
Customers can be assigned managers from the staff, and can also specify contact persons.
Since ERP "UserSide" 3.17, if a customer has inventory items, they are displayed in the customer card with their cost and total cost.
In the customer card it is possible to set mark on customer, for example by specifying VIP.
Since ERP "UserSide" 3.16, multiple groups can be assigned to a customer:
Since ERP "UserSide" 3.17, the customer's card displays the cable lines that terminate on it:
The display is located in the "Cable lines" section.
The customer card also displays attachments to tasks for that customer.
A separate collapsed block displays all the files and shows the task numbers, with links to where they are located.
Since version 3.17, a link has been added to the customer card to view in the task list all tasks by customer.
Since version 3.17, customer commutation is offered by default to all switches that are installed on all communication facilities in the customer's building.
Starting from version 3.18:
A link has been added to the customer card to create a cable line to that customer
Customers' floor number "0" support has been implemented
When adding an IP subnet for a customer, it is immediately possible to specify the colour of the display of this subnet in the IP grid
The list of labels is configured in Settings/Main/Customers - Marks for customers.
Here you specify the name, background colour and background image of the mark.
You can also display the client's participation in Advertising Campaign in the customer card, having previously created it in the Main Menu/Advertising Campaigns.
The customer card may contain additional fields, the content and availability of which is specified in setting.
Settings/Main/Additional fields/List of additional fields/[Necessary additional field] - Used in objects - Private person:
It is also possible to perform the following operations in the customer card:
- Change the status to: "Legal entity";
- Add to disconnect - Disconnect;
- Transfer to "Former customers";
- Add child account (alias) - Add potential customer;
- Attach as an alias to another customer;
- Delete.
Mass deletion of customers is described in more detail in FAQ.
The card has a ping block, which allows you to ping customers' IP addresses in real time and determine MAC addresses for these IP addresses.
Starting from version 3.19:
Added "The IP address in the card is a reference with this IP" customization option, which allows to directly navigate to the customer device for customization (if necessary)
For a customer, added the ability to merge it with another customer
One uncompleted task for the customer is displayed on the top of the customer's card (if any)
The card contains various tabs, namely:
If the usm_stat module is used, the customer's activity history is contained in the Activity tab. Viewing is available both by day and by hour.
All actions with the customer are recorded in the history. In case of working with Manual Billing - Charge and debit transactions will also be recorded.
Since version 3.18, added output of warehouse transactions for this customer
Tech support
Communication with the customer, maintenance tasks, sending SMS - everything is recorded in the "Technical support" tab. From here you can also send messages and SMS to the customer and create new tasks. In the task type selection, only those tasks will be available that have a customer selection field specified in task settings. For more details, see. "Communication with the customer"
Starting from version 3.19:
Added a link to hide SMS messages in the customer's card in correspondence with the customer
Additional tabs
The card can also contain two optional tabs (frames) that can display data from other sites/systems about the customer. For example, a third-party CRM-system or telephony system.
The link for such a tab is specified in the section "Settings - Main - Customer card" section
In the link you can specify the parameters that will be replaced in the card of each specific customer by his/her personal data.
Parameter list:
[agreement_number] - agreement number [billing_id] - billing ID (Settings - Billings) [billing_uid] - customer ID in billing [id] - customer ID in ERP "UserSide" [ip] - customer's first IP address [login] - customer's account in billing [mac] - MAC-address of the customer [employee_id] - ID of the employee who opens the (3.16+) tab. [employee_hash] - HASH of the employee generated in a certain way (3.16+)' [operator_id] - ID of the operator that opens the tab (up to 3.16) [operator_hash] - HASH of the operator, generated in a certain way (up to 3.16)