Versions 3.15 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide
Версия от 15:07, 3 октября 2024; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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Versions of the 3.15 branch

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

3.15.61 (in development)

  • Fixed adding buildings from coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improved capture of ONU information from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Fix unnecessary display of IP addresses for written-off commodities in IP subnets
  • Corrected indication of pigtail for ONU in building switching scheme
  • Improved display of polygons on the coverage map when there are no rights to change the address setting

3.15.60 - 14.11.2021

  • Improved output of the type of sub-accounting type in the list of inventory items when generating a document
  • Minor changes and improvements

3.15.59 - 15.10.2021

  • Improved removal of ONU from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Fixed saving the correct address when creating a task and selecting subscriber + other address
  • Fixed adding payment for owner ‘’(in some cases)‘’

3.15.58 - 01.10.2021

  • Improved ONU capture from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Improved display of building activity on the coverage map
  • Fixed unnecessary inclusion of the last day in the list of doubtful subscribers
  • Fixed possibility of filtering in the list of subscribers by additional fields of legal entities
  • Fixed generation of information about all comments on a task in the notification template
  • Fixed checking of access rights of employees to send SMS in job card.

3.15.57 - 10.09.2021

  • Fixed display of employee's position in the marker tooltip on the map
  • Fixed display of cable modules in the ‘’(in some cases)‘’ patch diagram
  • Fixed presence of ‘tomorrow’ value in the Work Plan filter in the ‘Work Date’ parameter

3.15.56 - 29.08.2021

  • Improved display of building activity on the coverage map
  • Improved display of switching endpoint for objects with comments on ports
  • Fixed unnecessary selection of potential and former subscribers for scheduler task ‘Create tasks for inactive subscribers’ to work
  • Fixed deletion of additional field values when deleting equipment
  • Fixed presence of the ‘Get information’ ‘’(by interfaces)‘’ link for devices with a separate SNMP polling profile selected
  • Fixed saving building as a start/end point for cable duct trace
  • Fixed saving additional labels in ODF/cross card
  • Fixed display of ‘Lost Subscribers’ ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.55 - 12.08.2021

  • Fixed bug when trying to edit employee information ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed ability to view switching route/history of switching on equipment port for employees without the right to edit equipment
  • Improved formatting of cost when outputting the list of inventory items in Excel
  • Fixed link to disconnection of a subscriber in his card
  • Fixed display of building structure sketch for houses with a large number of entrances
  • Fixed editing of reserved IP addresses
  • Fixed saving data when capturing ONU list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed interface error when sorting the list of inventory items in the search results by inventory item.
  • Fixed link on the main page to view subscribers on disconnection

3.15.54 - 23.07.2021

  • Improvements of ONU list capture from OLT Iskratel
  • Improved group selection/unselection of list items
  • Fixed inaccuracies in output of task list in Excel ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering by additional fields in task list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Finalised disabling/enabling map layers when displaying jobs on the coverage map

3.15.53 - 11.07.2021

  • Fixed hot swapping of TMCs on the splitter ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed call list display ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improvements in interface/stacking configuration for the device

3.15.52 - 03.07.2021

  • Fixed display of SMS receipt conditions ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.51 - 26.06.2021

  • Corrected display of switching operations in the planned scheme of a communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of warehouse operations for communication facilities that have already been deleted
  • Fixed access to view inventory by warehouses in the list of inventory ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed checking access rights to warehouses when viewing reports and working with warehouse operations ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.50 - 11.06.2021

  • Improved cable tester for Cisco
  • Fixed caching of OSM layer map tiles
  • Fixed incorrect display of ‘’(in some cases)‘’ colour selection palette
  • Fixed filtering in the subscriber list based on the absence of any marks for the subscriber
  • Fixed display of IP/MAC address in subscribers list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.49 - 04.06.2021

  • Improvement of cable tester for Cisco
  • Finalised merging of a potential subscriber with a real subscriber
  • Improved displaying of overdue tasks in the work plan
  • Improvement of obtaining building coordinates from OSM nominatim geo-service
  • Fixed displaying of history on cable line fibre switching ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed cable line search when adding a cable line to a trace ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.48 - 28.05.2021

  • Fixed scheduler job to combine potential and actual subscribers ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Improvement of ONU RX signal capture from OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Allowed to close a job with TMC if the parameter ‘Allow job closing with TMC’ is disabled, provided that the transfer of all TMC to the subscriber at job closing is enabled in the job type properties.
  • Fixed fixing of intermediate employee when transferring inventory from warehouse to warehouse via employee ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.47 - 21.05.2021

  • Fixed rendering of switching with subscribers on the logical scheme of the building ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving a comment to the operation when writing off inventory items
  • Fixed recalculation of names of child objects when editing address objects via API
  • Fixed filtering in the turnover-salary by a specific subscriber
  • Fixed deletion of subdivisions ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering in subscriber list by missing mark on subscriber ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.46 - 14.05.2021

  • Improved handling of hyperlinks when viewing job card description
  • Fixed inappropriate display of the original task when editing a task in the ‘There are outstanding tasks at this address’ section
  • Fixed display of switching in planned schemes ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.45 - 07.05.2021

  • Improvement of merging several addresses for a building
  • Improvement of floor/level selection for a communication facility located in a building
  • Fixed display of interface numbers in the menu for integration of commodities into equipment ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.44 - 30.04.2021

  • Improved selectors to search for communication facilities when adding a cable line
  • Fixed uploading of subscriber information without flat number when creating a task for a private building ‘’(where there are no flats)‘’'
  • Fixed saving of payment by owner ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed search for building coordinates using service
  • Fixed a problem with adding an employee account that matches ‘’(included in)‘’ another employee's account
  • Fixed a bug with rounding off the cost of inventory items during split operations
  • Fixed filtering by mark on subscriber ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.43 - 23.04.2021

  • Fixed unnecessary updating of employee's abbreviated full name when authorising via LDAP
  • Fixed creation of employee account with default LDAP authorisation with LDAP enabled
  • Fixed displaying on the main page of all tasks that have the ‘Display on main page’ checkbox checked

3.15.42 - 16.04.2021

  • Improved API->attach->add method
  • Improved method API->attach->get
  • Fixed display of the switching scheme of the communication facility by the upper left corner
  • Fixed display of switching scheme of communication facility with incorrect colour filling for cable lines' CBs

3.15.41 - 09.04.2021

  • Only TMCs of dividers with the same number of taps can be used for hot-swapping a divider
  • Fixed display of information about alarms from usm_observer module by device visibility rights
  • Corrections in counting/building graphs of internet activity ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Removed reference to ‘Switching Wizard’ for planned switching schemes of a communication facility

3.15.40 - 02.04.2021

  • Improved display of error delta by device interface ports
  • Fixed format for saving MAC address in subscriber card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed quick search by subscribers ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed adding cable line from coverage map
  • Fixed display of switching arrows when exporting to SVG the switching scheme of a communication facility

3.15.39 - 28.03.2021

  • Finalisation of interaction with OLT GCOM
  • Activity Graph page is hidden for operators without full access to address coverage
  • Fixed display of signal level history by ONU ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed semi-transparent display of switching lines on the switching diagram in planning mode
  • Fixed errors in displaying the list of attached files
  • Fixed incorrect opening of communication facilities when the ruler on the coverage map is activated
  • Fixed display of SMS subscribers list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.38 - 19.03.2021

  • Removed map offset when the edit panel is switched on
  • Improved displaying of notes on fibres when displaying the switching scheme for printing
  • Improved moving of cable lines when performing the operation of moving all objects from one building to another.
  • Improvements on reconciliation/import of addresses from the billing system
  • Fixed generation of report on inventory balances in the context of specific access regions
  • Fixed errors of displaying/hiding tooltips on map objects when editing cable line route
  • Fixed an error in displaying of SMS-dispatch ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed incorrect display of task completion date for cancelled tasks
  • Fixed employee search by phone number, if phone number is specified in an additional field

3.15.37 - 12.03.2021

  • OLT Topvision GPON support is improved
  • Improved data capture from OLT V-Solution GPON
  • Improvement of displaying the long name of the communication facility on the switching diagram of the communication facility
  • Improved output of delta values of errors on interfaces ‘’(module usm_iferr)‘’' in the report in the equipment card.
  • Fixed display of communication facilities on the logical building diagram ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed recalculation of communication facilities naming depending on communication facilities type naming template
  • Fixed displaying of notes on communication facilities on the switching scheme when exporting the scheme to SVG
  • Fixed output of the list of buildings according to address availability in the report on the number of subscribers in buildings

3.15.36 - 05.03.2021

  • Improvements of ONU list capture by BDCOM GPON
  • Fixed functioning of scheduler tasks ‘Alarm in case of loss of connection with equipment (SMS)’ and ‘Alarm in case of loss of connection with equipment (E-mail)’ for arbitrary equipment.
  • Fixed output of description on multiplexers on the switching diagram of a communication facility
  • Fixed filtering by overdue tasks in the list of tasks ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed colour displaying of cable lines on the map that are included into trunk ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed working with building coordinates for cases when a building has several address units ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.35 - 01.03.2021

  • Fixed operation of quick search in the list of owners
  • Fixed display of switching arrows on switching diagram for radio equipment that is connected to HOVs
  • Fixed position shift on map when switching map tiles ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.34 - 26.02.2021

  • Fixed recalculation of the names of communication facilities ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of cable lines on the map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed synchronisation of building addresses with billing ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed map tiles settings ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed loading tooltip on map by employee's gps tag ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of the fact of payment for services in the list of owners
  • Fixed display of additional services in the list of subscribers in the building card
  • Fixed error when saving ONU model when capturing list by OLT ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.33 - 19.02.2021

  • Fixed sorting of transactions in the inventory card
  • Fixed output of switching scheme in SVG ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.32 - 12.02.2021

  • In the report on the number of subscribers in buildings - buildings with the sign ‘not connected’ are excluded, except for those buildings that do have subscribers.
  • Refinements of information acquisition from OLT QTECH
  • Improved cable tester for SNMP Huawei
  • Fixed editing of building coordinates ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed GPS data migration error during update ‘’(in case when record date is obviously incorrect)‘’'
  • Fixed display of the dialogue window for selecting personnel and vehicles on the map in case there are a large number of objects.
  • Fixed display of days in the work calendar table for different months

3.15.31 - 05.02.2021

  • Improvement of ONU description capture with OLT C-Data EPON
  • Modified the display of coverage maps ‘’(to fix the lack of display of all objects on the map in some cases)‘’.
  • Improved display of all MAC addresses of a device in the device card ‘’(in case the device has no IP addresses)‘’.
  • Improved and optimised report on the number of subscribers in buildings
  • Fixed splitting of inventory items when transferring a planned splitter to a current splitter and linking this splitter to inventory items
  • Fixed correct selection of the divider type when editing a divider and changing the placement warehouse
  • Fixed colour and coordinate change for multiplexer port connections in switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.30 - 29.01.2021

  • Fixed the ability to create a child task in the task card and view the print version for employees without permissions to edit the task
  • Fixed some inaccuracies and bugs

3.15.29 - 22.01.2021

  • Improved permissions check when viewing ONU signal history
  • Fixed sorting by date of equipment addition in the equipment list
  • Fixed duplication when adding communication facilities ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed colour palette display position in controls ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed duplication of address objects in menus ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed sql error when trying to add a building from a coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed page-by-page output of equipment list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed checking of permissions when giving the menu for creating new tasks in the building card
  • Fixed SQL error when getting information about connected ONUs ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed page navigation when searching by cable channels traces

3.15.28 - 15.01.2021

  • Fixed inheritance of subscriber's name when changing it for subscriber's equipment
  • Fixed functioning of tabs in subscriber's card - ‘Register call’ and ‘Create task’ when the operator's right ‘Reply to messages’ is disabled
  • Fixed bug when saving long ONU description with OLT ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.27 - 08.01.2021

  • Fixed bug when trying to add an arbitrary page to the system without naming it
  • Fixed removal of errors by device interfaces in usm_iferr module results
  • Fixed search by MAC-address from subscribers' MAC-address history in subscriber search
  • Excluded possibility of port auto-binding for OLT and ONU

3.15.26 - 01.01.2021

  • Added method API->owner->add
  • Added method API->owner->edit
  • Added method API->owner->delete
  • Improved method API->customer->get_customers_id
  • Refinement of the display of dividers/sealers on the switching scheme
  • In building card added possibility to transfer all objects from this building to another building ‘’(subscribers, communication facilities, tasks, inventory)‘’'
  • Added possibility to attach files for cable routes and cable ducts.
  • Added labels for cable routes, cable ducts and cable line routes
  • Depending on the settings of labels for cable traces, it is possible to adjust the colour of ‘’(FOC)‘’ cable lines included in this trace on the map.
  • Fixed adding of tariff exclusion in SMS-dispatch properties
  • Fixed generation of SMS text message when the condition ‘Amount of the next payment is greater than zero’ is enabled
  • Fixed generation of message with information about task ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.25 - 25.12.2020

  • Added setting option - ‘Main - Cable lines - When selecting transit in channels, offer only channels that are in communication facilities on the route’.
  • When hovering over a cable line on the coverage map, not only the line is highlighted, but also the final communication facilities.
  • When pointing at a communication facility on the coverage map - cable lines that leave the facility are highlighted as well.
  • Improvement of displaying the logical scheme of the building during viewing
  • Added ‘Yandex API Key’ setting ‘’(enables to use Yandex Geocoder to search for addresses and positions of buildings on the coverage map)‘’.
  • Added ‘’‘The time limit for the task (Subject) is expiring’‘’ to the message templates setting
  • Scheduler task ‘Mailing of tasks for the current day’ has been improved and allows sending notifications not only to e-mail but also to messenger.
  • The possibility to specify the value of a specific additional field has been added to the setting of notification templates by tasks.
  • Displaying of a set of connected communication facilities and subscribers in the list of tasks has been improved.
  • In house logic diagram - signal levels by ONU of subscriber ‘’(if any)‘’ are displayed in the second line under the flat number ‘’(previously all in one line)‘’
  • Fixed receiving ifOperStatus for ONU ports status from OLT Iskratel
  • Fixed detection of building contour coordinates when adding a building from the map
  • Blocked possibility to open objects from the coverage map when changing building coordinates on the coverage map
  • Fixed alignment on the map at the desired position of an employee/vehicle when selecting this employee/vehicle in the map position dialogue box
  • Fixed changing parent layer in map tiles settings

3.15.24 - 18.12.2020

  • Greek localisation added
  • Equal behaviour in quick search and search by subscribers‘ name/names using letters Yo/E has been added to quick search and search by subscribers’ name/names
  • In the device card added a link to view the history of operations with this equipment
  • In the catalogue of goods added the possibility to ‘Expand/Collapse’ everything
  • In cable lines ON colours setting added possibility to view the list of cable lines and cable types where this colour is used
  • Added display of the status of ONU ports connected to Iskratel OLT.
  • For cable line types, added the ability to set the colour of the cable braid on the patch diagram ‘’(and the colour of the inscription on the cable braid)‘’.
  • Added possibility to add custom tokens for address unit types
  • Added possibility to change line type in group actions on cable lines
  • Fixed clearing of building coordinates when merging it with another building
  • Fixed filtering in subscriber list when specifying empty address ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering of subscribers list by filter ‘Subscribers churn for the period (former and disconnected)’ ‘’(in some cases)‘’
  • Fixed display of unknown ONUs by OLT on the main page ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed filtering in subscriber list by churn (ex and disconnected) ‘’(in some cases)‘’
  • Fixed automatic indents from equipment/objects on the right and bottom of the switching scheme ‘’(were unnecessarily large)‘’'
  • Fixed moving a device a small distance on the switching diagram

3.15.23 - 11.12.2020

  • Added method API->task->remove_customer_from_task
  • Added method API->task->get_allow_staff
  • Improved method API->task->get_list
  • Improved method API->fiber->|add
  • Improved method API->customer->pass_change
  • Improved filter in subscriber list to be able to filter former subscribers by specific billing.
  • Added support for OLT GPON Iskratel
  • Fixed transfer of subscribers from secondary building to primary building when merging addresses
  • Fixed display of fibre number in the switching scheme when its position in the cable is changed in order
  • Fixed exclusion of tethered equipment ‘’(in some cases)‘’ from assignment
  • Fixed display of fractional lengths of cable channels when viewing a trace
  • Fixed ability to select/assign geography personnel to a task based on linked communication facilities and equipment ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed copying of subscribers linked to a task - when creating a task by chain

3.15.22 - 04.12.2020

  • Added obtaining ONU list by Raisecom GPON OLTs
  • Added possibility for Huawei OLTs to view ONU list by individual PON-port
  • Optimised the report on direction finding devices and fixed displaying only those devices that are available to the operator in the selected region of operation.
  • Fixed display of employee's name in the history of operators' actions (for those types of operations that affect employees)
  • Fixed working with subscribers‘ tariffs in SMS-dispatch settings “”(in some cases when using several billing systems)’'.
  • Fixed import of tariff change requests from billing ‘’(in some cases when using multiple billing systems)‘’.
  • Fixed sorting of floors/levels in building structure when adding several floors at once
  • Fixed viewing of disconnected/former subscribers for a period in the subscriber list
  • Fixed use of main phone number when sending SMS messages to subscribers
  • Fixed selector for selecting a settlement on the map for mobile devices
  • Fixed display of integrated TICs in device ports in switching scheme

3.15.21 - 27.11.2020

  • Buttons for printing the scheme ‘’(but now in SVG format)‘’ have been returned to the switching diagram of a communication facility.
  • Improvement of displaying links to tasks in task comments
  • Fixed shifting of the switching scheme at the initial opening of the communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed correct operation of the floor/level selector when adding/editing a communication facility ‘’(when selecting/changing address/building)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of the value of the setting parameter ‘When transferring inventory to a subscriber - offer the next sub-account’
  • Fixed sorting by contract number in subscriber list
  • Fixed adding cable lines from coverage map when ‘Display infrastructure numbers on the map’ setting is enabled ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of connections for ODF/crosses with non-standard port range in the switching scheme
  • Fixed switching wizard in the switching scheme when working with ODF/crosses that have non-standard port range
  • Fixed situation when several copies of usm_peleng module polled the same device ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed adding customisable polling parameters for usm_observer module
  • Fixed link to switch all OV 2 cables to each other
  • Fixed display of division ratios on dividers in the switching diagram when there are signatures on the divider ports
  • Fixed display of communication facility type in the building card in the ‘Communication Facilities’ tab

3.15.20 - 20.11.2020

  • Added method API->address->get_level
  • Added method API->address->edit_building_structure
  • Improved display of default ‘’(floor numbers)‘’' level numbers in the building logic diagram
  • Added display of ONU ports status that are connected to Eltex GPON OLT.
  • Fixed colour display of all objects when exporting switching scheme to SVG
  • Fixed filtering in subscriber list by subscribers without manager
  • Fixed filtering by additional field in SMS distribution to subscribers
  • Fixed deletion of record about floor/level of communication facility when deleting this level in the building structure
  • Fixed coverage map shift when changing layer ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying of action menu for objects in the switching scheme after changing the colour of connection between objects.

3.15.19 - 13.11.2020

‘’‘Switching circuitry:’‘’'

  • Optimised operation of the switching scheme
  • Almost all actions on the switching scheme are performed ‘on the fly’ without reloading the page
  • Clarity of inscriptions on the switching scheme has been improved.
  • In Settings - Main - Switching scheme in the parameter ‘Switches. Inscription template’ parameter in “Switches” added possibility to specify hostname.
  • The icons of connection with ‘former’ subscribers are different from ‘normal’ subscribers in the switching scheme.
  • Improved display of switching lines between light ‘’(non-contrast)‘’ fibres in the switching scheme.


  • For arbitrary equipment the possibility to switch switching to another port ‘’(previously only for switches, radio equipment)‘’ has been implemented
  • In the employee's card in the section of warehouse access settings, a link ‘Mark all’ has been added, which allows selecting all warehouses at once.
  • Optimised display of the list of ONUs by OLT on the map
  • In task chain settings added option - copy executors from the primary task
  • Subscriber can be assigned only advertising campaign that ended not more than 30 days ago.
  • Flexible conditions of filtering by cable density have been improved in the list of cable lines.
  • A menu has been added to the top of the cable line card, where links to actions ‘’(similar to the task card)‘’ have been moved to.

‘’‘Bug fixes:’‘’'

  • Fixed display of module number on the switching diagram when there is a switching arrow on this OV
  • Fixed display of IP-address in device list for devices with filled hostname
  • Fixed sorting by signal strength in the ONU list ‘’(in the Hardware section)‘’'
  • Fixed display of ‘’(inheritance)‘’ labels on cable line ONUs in series in communication facilities
  • Fixed ability to change the switching line in the switching scheme in case the switching point overlaps with some image icon
  • Fixed adding a cable line from the coverage map

3.15.18 - 05.11.2020

‘’‘Switch Scheme:’‘’'

  • Removed reloading of the page with the switching scheme when performing some actions on it
  • In the switching scheme, when pointing at the CBs or device ports, the cursor takes the form of a pointer
  • Displaying of cable line names on low density cable lines in the switching scheme has been improved.
  • It is possible to add arbitrary text inscriptions in the switching scheme
  • Improved switching menu in the switching scheme for ST/FC adapters on equipment


  • Improved the API->device->get_data method
  • Added ability to specify ‘’‘multiple arbitrary tabs in subscriber card’‘’'
  • Added special type and equipment section ‘’‘’Arbitrary devices (general section)‘’‘’, which allows to keep record of various equipment ‘’‘(with subdivisions)’‘’ for which it does not make sense to create separate sections.
  • Added possibility of specifying additional/overtime time in the timesheet, including days when an employee was on sick leave/commuting/vacation, etc. in the timesheet.
  • Autosubstitution of communication facility number in the add dialogue form has been improved
  • Group action ‘Delete’ added for VLAN list
  • The possibility to change cable line type has been added for cable line
  • The link to change the colour of modules and fibers of a cable line has been moved to the page of editing a cable line
  • Only parent and child tasks are displayed in the related tasks section of the task card by default.
  • Added possibility to delete information about a linked communication facility in the owner card
  • Adding a label for a task has been returned to the top toolbar in the task card
  • The list of subordinate objects is hidden in the owner card by default
  • In the list of tasks by building, tasks for communication facilities located at the given address are visible

‘’‘Bug fixes:’‘’

  • Fixed import of directories for streets that are located in districts of a settlement
  • Fixed switching of all CBs/ports of cable lines/crosses at once among themselves in the switching scheme
  • Fixed opening of the device card when clicking on its name in the switching scheme
  • Fixed display of switching between communication facilities in the building structure diagram ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed cable density filter in cable lines list ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed error with sorting and filtering of the list of communication facilities ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed saving parent layer in map tile settings
  • Fixed unnecessary opening of the building card when adding a communication facility from the map on it
  • Fixed display of adapter types on dividers in switching scheme
  • Fixed telnet-removal of FDB from OLT BDCOM in cases where enable-password is enabled
  • Fixed filtering of subscribers with IP address ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed adding condition by additional field in SMS-dispatch properties for subscribers
  • Fixed copying of linked communication facilities from the main task to the task that is created by chain

3.15.17 - 30.10.2020

‘’‘Switching scheme:’‘’'

  • In the switching scheme, the ‘switching grid’ has been made lighter to reduce distraction, and the thickness of the switching lines between bus lines has been increased.
  • New options for switching scheme settings: ‘’‘Switching lines thickness’‘’, ‘’‘Display grid with lines on the scheme’‘’, ‘’‘Colour of grid with lines’‘’. The setting ‘Change scheme scale by mouse scrolling’ has been returned
  • Added the ability to change the background ‘’(white/black/grey)‘’ in the switching scheme
  • Switching scheme setting has been moved to a separate section ‘Setup - Basic’
  • Added setting parameter ‘’‘Display colour names for cable line modules in the switching scheme’‘’.

‘’‘Building Logic Scheme:’‘’'

  • In the building logic diagram you can also display connections between subscriber devices ‘’(e.g. ONU)‘’ and the communication centre.
  • In the building logical diagram it is possible to switch off the display of switching to subscribers ‘’(to simplify the visualisation of switching between the building's communication facilities)‘’.
  • In the building logic diagram, the signal strength of the subscriber's ONU ‘’(if any)‘’ is displayed next to the subscriber's flat number.


  • In group actions on radio equipment, added possibility to specify the angle of the sector of disclosure and individual colour of the sector display on the map
  • In the tooltip on the map on a cable line - if it is not FOCL - the name of the type of this cable line is displayed.
  • Added ‘Basic - Coverage - Building type “”(default)’‘’ setting parameter, which allows to create buildings of the required type automatically from the beginning.
  • When combining two building addresses into one address, subscribers of the building with the second address are transferred to the first building.
  • Optimisation of cable channel list operation
  • Added possibility to delete ‘’(buildings that are not occupied by objects)‘’ to group actions on buildings

‘’‘Bug fixes:’‘’

  • Fixed display in the building card of an advertising campaign that lasts only one day
  • Fixed filter by employee in the report on fines and bonuses
  • Fixed hiding of employees that cannot be assigned to tasks in the calendar of tasks
  • Fixed displaying of crosses/dividers and their switching in the switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed filtering in subscriber list by multiple accounts
  • Fixed spelling of device interface names in switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.15.16 - 25.10.2020

  • ‘’‘New Building Logic Engine:’‘’'
  • A new section has been added to ‘’Setup‘’ - ‘’Addresses‘’ with the configuration of ‘’Building Structure‘’, which allows you to create a catalogue of floor types and technical levels by building
  • In the card of each building it is possible to configure the ‘Building structure’ with the list of used floors and technical levels. Including separately for entrances. Levels can be given arbitrary signatures.
  • For a communication facility, you can specify the floor of placement - any floor or technical level configured in this building
  • The building logic diagram (and the logic diagram thumbnail in the building card) is displayed taking into account the configured building structure.
  • The building logic diagram can be scaled and dragged.
  • Switching lines between subscribers and communication facilities now have a more flexible route setting in the logical building layout
  • In the building logic diagram, the output of switching lines between communication facilities has been added
  • Improvement of ONU operation status display in the ONU list for BDCOM GPON
  • In the switching scheme too light switching connections are now displayed in grey colour
  • Fixed saving of serial number, barcode, inventory number in inventory card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed default selection of communication facility when creating a new task from under the communication facility card
  • Fixed change of tariff in subscriber card ‘’(for manual billing)‘’'
  • Fixed the problem of drawing not all connections with equipment in the switching scheme ‘’(in some cases)‘’'.
  • Fixed display of signatures on divider and cross ports in the switching diagram

3.15.15 - 16.10.2020

  • ‘’‘New Switching Schemes Engine’‘’. Fast and easy screen zooming and dragging, optimised work with large schemes, reduced browser resource consumption
  • API->node->get_scheme method added.
  • In the switching scheme, eliminated the ability to output black and white schematic, export to PNG ‘’(didn't make sense for large schematics due to blurring of image format)‘’, but refined/reworked export to SVG, export to black and white SVG
  • In the switching scheme - on a cable line - the arrow of transition to the scheme of the neighbouring communication facility changes colour depending on whether we got to the current switching scheme through this cable line or not.
  • Splitters/sealers added to the switching scheme wizard
  • Fixed sending Messenger/Telegram notifications to observers when adding a comment to a task

3.15.14 - 07.10.2020

  • ‘’‘Improvements for PON metering in apartment buildings:’‘’
  • Logical building diagram is displayed in a separate window ‘’(without menu)‘’'
  • Different number of floors in entrances is taken into account in the logical building diagram
  • In the building logic diagram, the output of devices is removed, but the output of communication facilities of this building is added with their output on the required floors.
  • In the logical scheme of the building, the switching lines between the subscriber and the required communication facility, where the divider/equipment/cross is installed and where the subscriber is included, are outputted.
  • In the ‘floor’ field, the values ‘attic’ or ‘basement’ can be entered for the communication facility.
  • In the interface/stacking configuration, a group option to mark/unmark interfaces has been added.
  • ‘Firmware’ column added to the equipment table setting
  • Subscriber icons for the ports where the subscriber is switched are displayed in the switching scheme on device ports.
  • In the switching wizard in the switching scheme - added output of OV/OM colour for cable lines ‘’(previously only fibre numbers)‘’'.
  • In the warehouse operations filter, fixed the ability to select by employees in general, not only by a specific one.
  • Fixed group deletion of notifications in message list
  • Fixed use of ‘date unknown’ due date for jobs that are created by chain
  • Fixed ability to install communication facilities of own types into other communication facilities
  • Fixed copying of labels on a task when creating a task by chain
  • Fixed duplication of IP-address when installing a TMC with a preset IP-address to a communication facility
  • Fixed uploading to Excel the list of cable lines on quick search

3.15.13 - 30.09.2020

  • Added ‘Unit disbanded’ property for subdivisions, which allows to exclude this subdivision from the list of possible assignments to work
  • In the switching scheme added output for cables on optical modules of their serial numbers
  • Added quick search by cable brand on the page of adding/changing a cable line
  • Added customisable field with date of birth to the list of employees
  • Information about all active advertising campaigns that cover this building is displayed in the building card.
  • Added sorting by ‘Labels’ column in the list of tasks
  • Improved display of information about a new client in the task list for the ‘Subscriber/object’ column.
  • Fixed editing of a subscriber in a job card that is attached to a former subscriber
  • Fixed operation of the ‘Display on map’ parameter of the communication facility type setting
  • Fixed selection of communication facility/equipment when creating a new work order

3.15.12 - 21.09.2020

  • Added method API->fiber->catalog_types_get
  • Added method API->fiber->catalog_cables_get
  • Added method API->staff->get_timesheet_data
  • Added method API->staff->set_timesheet_data
  • Improved API->attach->get method
  • Improved API->inventory->get_operation method
  • Improved method API->task->edit
  • Implemented the ability to add equipment to a task
  • Added ‘Tasks by device’ column to the list of equipment
  • In the equipment card added link - ‘Tasks by device’.
  • Added possibility of specifying several communication facilities in one task
  • Added setting parameter ‘Restriction on the number of fields for entering serial number for incoming goods and equipment’.
  • Fixed allocation of objects and stocks on the route when a cable line is broken at an intermediate point.
  • Fixed displaying of additional information on ONU attached to the job in the job card.
  • Fixed displaying of transit inventory list ‘’(excluded inventory for inaccessible transit warehouses)‘’'

3.15.11 - 13.09.2020

  • Checked PHP 7.4 support
  • Fixed output of household information by building type in the ‘Statistics’ section
  • Fixed transition by QR code of task closing
  • Fixed display of notification when matching number of communication facility ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of serial/inventory numbers when exporting to Excel the list of inventory items ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of description in the list of recurring tasks
  • Fixed display of ‘sent SMS’ link in job card

3.15.10 - 09.09.2020

  • In group actions on tasks, allowed to switch to ‘Completed’ status with mandatory general comment on tasks ‘’(if enabled)‘’'
  • Fixed display of interface list for equipment ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of own building colour on map for buildings with multiple addresses

3.15.9 - 06.09.2020

  • Fixed ability to add crosses and dividers ‘’(in some cases)‘’' in the switching scheme for communication facilities
  • Fixed working with group actions after a quick equipment search
  • Fixed ‘missing’ of some interfaces when radio equipment is unavailable ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of the list of involved device interfaces when viewing the Vlan card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed display of switching scheme in building
  • Fixed operation of SMS condition ‘Amount of the next payment is greater than zero’ for subscribers with several tariffs
  • Fixed operation of IP-network page reports

3.15.8 - 02.09.2020

  • Improvements on data capture from HUAWEI ONU ports
  • Added additional fields for operations with inventory items
  • Added setting parameter ‘Maximal number of segments for building a structure diagram’
  • Added setting parameter ‘Allow customisation of data tables by each employee for himself’
  • Maximum number of ODF/cross ports changed from 500 to 1000
  • Added filter ‘Subscriber. Not specified.’
  • If a subscriber is attached to a task, then in the task list in the ‘Subscriber/object’ field the name of the subscriber is immediately an active link to the card of this subscriber.
  • Improved search by subscribers' addresses in the general search
  • Fixed filtering by object ID in the history of actions by operators
  • Fixed displaying of VLAN port list for devices when viewing VLAN card
  • Fixed filtering by multiple operators in operator activity history
  • Fixed some inaccuracies when saving signal strength by ONU with OLT
  • Fixed display of address in the job list if a job is created by address only
  • Fixed building a structure diagram by line/station sides of divider/compactor ‘’(mixed up places were)‘’'
  • Fixed checking of rights when transferring inventory items to other employees
  • Fixed deletion of current CB switching when applying planned connection scheme

3.15.7 - 25.08.2020

  • Added method API->device->read_fdb
  • Added method API->address->get_alias
  • Added the ability to view the history of operations on the cable line to the cable line card
  • Generation of the list of dependent subscribers added to group actions on equipment
  • The maximum size of the structural scheme construction is increased from 20 to 40 segments ‘’(uplink construction from 50 to 80)‘’'
  • Fixed transfer of switching when merging a potential subscriber with a real subscriber.
  • Fixed display of switching with divider in the switching table on equipment

3.15.6 - 23.08.2020

  • When adding a new cable line in the switching diagram, it will be added below ‘’(right/left)‘’ existing lines ‘’(previously it was added above and existing switching would ‘move out’)‘’'
  • Fixed deleting labels in equipment group actions
  • Fixed sending notifications in Messenger when assigning/cancelling an employee/unit assignment to a task
  • Fixed display of map/plan underlays
  • Fixed generation of SMS mailing for subscribers with 2 or more tariffs in the sample
  • Fixed visual display of long names of communication facilities in the ‘Objects and stocks on route’ window in the cable line card
  • Fixed export of switching route to KML
  • Fixed operation of the parameter ‘When changing the building polygon, display other objects on the map as well’.

3.15.5 - 19.08.2020

  • For ONUs connected to the Huawei GPON OLT, the online status of all its ports is displayed
  • Added the ability to copy the address setting of automatically assigned personnel from one employee to another in the task classifier.
  • In group actions on communication facilities, added possibility to change the type of communication facilities
  • In group actions on communication facilities the possibility to specify the owner of the object has been added.
  • The templates ‘New comment to task (Subject)’ and ‘Changed comment to task (Subject)’ have been added in the setting of message templates for tasks.
  • In group actions on tasks added the possibility to change the status
  • When redesigning the switching scheme of a communication facility, the possibility to immediately apply all changes to this redesign scheme has been added.
  • In group actions on subscribers added possibility to transfer subscribers to disconnected, to disconnect, to remove them from the list ‘to disconnect’.
  • In import of communication facilities added possibility to specify the floor and inventory number of the communication facility
  • Expanded the setting parameter ‘Template of subscriber information in the job card’. Added ‘mark_image_list’ variable
  • Improved data acquisition by ONU for OLT BDCOM GPON
  • Improved data acquisition by ONU for OLT CDATA EPON
  • Fixed display of colour marks on buildings on the map
  • Fixed operation of the main page widget ‘Inactive radio equipment (except for subscribers’ equipment)’
  • Fixed error of task filter by employee ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed viewing the list of planned cwdm/multiplexers

3.15.4 - 12.08.2020

  • Added ‘Display cable stock labels on the map’ configuration option
  • It is possible to build a structural diagram for a device separately for any dnlink-port
  • Improved ONU data capture for OLT ZTE
  • In the switching scheme wizard it is allowed to switch fibres of one communication line to other fibres of the same communication line in bulk
  • In the list of tasks export to excel works without pagination requirements limitations
  • In the list of subscribers filtering by additional field with type ‘date’ is improved
  • Improved cable tester for Eltex switches
  • Fixed display of interface names in the selector when switching the switching of a device port to another port
  • Fixed display of additional fields in the equipment list
  • Fixed display of cable reserve marker on coverage map
  • Some fixes for working with local equipment database

3.15.3 - 07.08.2020

  • In the switching scheme - the heading with the name of the communication facility is now a link
  • Fixed some inaccuracies and errors

3.15.2 - 06.08.2020

  • Added setting parameter ‘Maximum number of segments when calculating the connection route’
  • Improved display of the layer with subscribers on the coverage map
  • Added selection by a specific subscriber in the warehouse operations filter
  • Fixed migration of link routes
  • Fixed automatic return to the allowed status of pending tasks

3.15.1 - 29.07.2020

  • Added white framing of cables on the switching scheme
  • Added filtering of subscribers without TMC to the filter by subscribers
  • Improved uptime data format when polling through snmp-profile of equipment
  • Fixed saving when editing address unit

3.15 - 28.07.2020

  • Release

3.15beta3 - 24.07.2020

  • Added method API->billing->get
  • Added method API->device->set_iface_state
  • Added method API->notepad->get_chapter
  • Added method API->notepad->get_note
  • At the arrival of goods and materials, added possibility to add a file with arrival documents, which will be assigned to the operation of arrival of this goods and materials.
  • For E-mail notifications on tasks, added customisation of message topics
  • In the table of ports of the equipment card in the switching menu the possibility of quick indication of uplink/downlink sign has been added.
  • Added possibility to specify default snmp v3 parameters in general equipment configuration
  • Added global parameter ‘Perform transliteration of messages’ to SMS notifications setup
  • Fixed ability to change coordinates for objects ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed links to send task notifications for subdivisions in the task card
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.14

3.15beta2 - 12.07.2020

  • Fixed change of coordinates of the address object polygon
  • Fixed display of links to different notification services in the job card next to employee names
  • Fixed display of coverage map for Ukrainian localisation
  • Fixed ‘’(in some cases)‘’ migration errors
  • Cumulative fixes for version 3.14

3.15beta1 - 23.06.2020

  • First available build