Versions 3.12 EN

Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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Versions of the 3.12 branch

Also see: Versions of ERP "USERSIDE"

Technical Requirements: Version 3.12 requires PHP 7.0/7.1

3.12.98 - 01.08.2020

  • Fixed operation of promised payment ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed selection of warehouses when transferring inventory items ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed drawing of subscribers outside the scheme dimensions in the building logical scheme
  • Fixed problem with saving mail/phone in employee card ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.12.97 - 22.12.2019

  • Fixed indication of the original number of ports in a device when adding a new device and switching available TMCs between them
  • Fixed some problems with displaying cable routes on the map
  • Fixed issues with scheduler task ‘40. Transfer information about connected potential clients to current clients’ task
  • Fixed cable tester operation for Edge-Core ES3528M, ES3552M
  • Fixed some inaccuracies on sending comments/changes on tasks for operators without linking to employee account
  • Fixed in some cases incorrect display of a subscriber in the ‘Tariff not found’ list
  • Fixed calculation of last activity date by house ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed system device migration bug when upgrading from 3.10 ‘’(in some cases)‘’'

3.12.96 - 04.09.2019

  • Fixed in some cases inaccuracies in assigning coordinates to a subscriber without an address
  • Fixed colour display of communication lines on the coverage map ‘’(in some cases)‘’'
  • Fixed inclusion of information about potential subscribers in the growth chart

3.12.95 - 29.05.2019

  • Improved API->device->get_device_id method
  • Fixed some nuances in job card description formatting

3.12.94 - 14.05.2019

  • Added API->fiber->get_fiber method.
  • In the list of nodes/couplings the search is searched also by values of additional fields
  • When editing additional fields in a subscriber's card - in the subscriber's history you can see what was changed.
  • When adding commodities to a transaction - added ‘Select all’ option
  • Added processing of attached svg-files as images
  • Fixed saving of MAC-address in the properties of inventory items when transferring radio equipment to the warehouse.
  • Fixed possibility of transferring inventory when closing a task from an inaccessible warehouse

3.12.93 - 27.04.2019

  • Optimised work with the coverage map
  • Corrected ruler operation on the coverage map for mobile devices
  • Fixed hot swapping of a splitter for a splitter with a different number of taps

3.12.92 - 17.04.2019

  • Fixed some inaccuracies in usm_observer module functionality operation
  • Restored functionality of the Rosreestr map underlay
  • Fixed operation of links to a task in the list of tasks by subscriber's house in the subscriber's card
  • Fixed adding new comments to a task

3.12.91 - 13.04.2019

  • Added API->task->get_list method
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12.90 - 07.04.2019

  • In the filter by subscribers added the possibility to filter by addresses where the building type is not selected
  • Import of directories has been improved
  • Added another ruler tool to the coverage map with test targets
  • Added API->customer->to_normal method
  • Added method API->inventory->get_operation
  • Improved ARP table capture
  • Added possibility to specify fractional length value for cable trace
  • Fixed saving arbitrary parameters of usm_observer module in the device card
  • Fixed bug in polygon migration on the map
  • Fixed report on energy consumption of equipment by specific owner

3.12.89 - 26.03.2019

  • Improved search by coverage map
  • Added method API->staff->get_division_list
  • Improved API->inventory->transfer_inventory method
  • Improved method API->task->comment_add
  • Fixed an error when deleting inventory items
  • Fixed an error when transferring a task to the status with the system role ‘Failed’
  • Fixed error with displaying current values of usm_observer module in the equipment card
  • Fixed tracing by UPLINK in the house card

3.12.88 - 17.03.2019

  • Added link to FDB table on device to update table ‘’(without cache)‘’'
  • Fixed display of pages in the list of dividers during quick search
  • Fixed display of inventory items that are on former subscribers

3.12.87 - 12.03.2019

  • Fixed errors when adding/editing new addresses
  • Fixed an error with adding a divisor to the operation of moving inventory items

3.12.86 - 06.03.2019

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12.85 - 04.03.2019

  • Improved API->inventory->get_inventory_amount method
  • Optimised job card
  • API->inventory->transfer_inventory method fixed
  • Fixed filtering in the list of subscribers by building type

3.12.84 - 24.02.2019

  • API->task->add method has been improved
  • By default, an inventory card is opened without the list of operations on this inventory. They can be uploaded via a separate link.
  • In the FOCS card, tagged OMs are marked separately.
  • Fixed work of the report ‘Equipment - Subscribers that are included in one port’.
  • API->device->get_mac_list method is fixed

3.12.83 - 16.02.2019

  • Improved API->task->get_list method
  • Added method API->task->change_date_work
  • Added method API->task->staff_add
  • Added method API->task->staff_delete
  • Added method API->customer->ip_add
  • Added method API->customer->ip_delete
  • Improved appearance of corner markers when editing building geometry
  • Optimised work of subscribers list
  • Fixed subscriber filter in building card

3.12.82 - 09.02.2019

  • Added API->cross->get_list method
  • Added method API->gps->get_info
  • Added method API->gps->get_list
  • Added method API->gps->get_route
  • Added method API->customer->mark_add
  • Added method API->customer->mark_delete
  • Fixed sorting by date in the list of tariff change requests

3.12.81 - 04.02.2019

  • Search on coverage map finalised to work with Yandex.Geocoder
  • Added method API->customer->get_activity_counter
  • Added method API->device->get_ont_data
  • Added method API->inventory->change_arg_ip
  • Added method API->inventory->change_arg_mac
  • Added method API->inventory->change_comment
  • Fixed inaccuracies in formation of amounts in words
  • Fixed display of independent personnel in the list of subdivisions

3.12.80 - 29.01.2019

  • Added method API->customer->change_date_connect
  • Added method API->map->get_poly
  • Added method API->additional_data->get_value

3.12.79 - 28.01.2019

  • Fixed inaccuracies in the formation of amounts in words
  • Fixed problems with campaign name containing inverted commas

3.12.78 - 19.01.2019

  • In the print version of the job card - all the items are displayed ‘’(previously only for up to 10 items)‘’.
  • Improved API->task->get_list method
  • Fixed incorrect ‘’(in some cases)‘’ display of zero level of ONU signal

3.12.77 - 14.01.2019

  • Fixed search by inventory items

3.12.76 - 13.01.2019

  • Fixed FDB table operation

3.12.75 - 11.01.2019

  • Optimised work with the list of subscribers and tasks for operators with limited region of operation
  • Added API->task->get_comment method
  • Operators with access right to equipment can view usm_observer module logs
  • Fixed sorting by date of addition in the list of switches
  • Fixed display of deleted tasks in the counter of current tasks by subscriber's house
  • Fixed display of marks on subscribers in bound ports on the switch
  • Fixed filter in the subscriber list by empty entryway number
  • Fixed possibility to move objects outside of the house logical scheme in the logical scheme
  • Fixed in some cases search for the last occurrence of MAC-address in subscriber's card

3.12.74 - 17.12.2018

  • Improved method API->inventory->get_inventory_catalog
  • Improved API->node->get method
  • Improved method API->device->set_data
  • Corrected ruler operation on coverage map
  • Fixed display of information on interfaces in the ONU BDCOM card

3.12.73 - 14.12.2018

  • On the coverage map, the activity of a house is displayed including the activity of the devices installed in the subscribers of this house ‘’(in particular ONU)‘’'.
  • Fixed an error occurring in some cases when opening the dialogue box to create a task
  • Fixed errors in navigation by coverage map objects

3.12.72 - 07.12.2018

  • Improved API->node->get_id method
  • Fixed incorrect operation of connection request in some cases
  • Fixed an error with adding keys

3.12.71 - 03.12.2018

  • In the table setting in the list of switches added the ability to display the field with the date of adding the device
  • Added API->key->get_list method
  • Improved API->node->get_id method
  • Improved API->inventory->get_inventory_amount method
  • Improved search in node list
  • Corrected specification of additional parameters for large quantities of goods and services
  • Fixed saving/deleting of addresses in some cases
  • Fixed displaying the number of communication nodes in the house edit card
  • Fixed multiple click triggered when closing a task with adding a comment

3.12.70 - 23.11.2018

  • Fixed a bug with selecting a node with equipment when switching
  • Fixed some navigation errors
  • Fixed case-insensitive search in Vlan list

3.12.69 - 19.11.2018

  • Added API->customer->to_ex method
  • Improved search algorithm in the list of communication nodes/couplings and the list of devices
  • Added ‘Balance + Credit’ filter to the list of subscribers
  • Fixed counter of updated object activity for usm_checker module

3.12.68 - 14.11.2018

  • Added support for OLT GCOM
  • Fixed some problems when adding files to objects
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12.67 - 14.11.2018

  • Fixed errors in initialisation of initial variables
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12.66 - 13.11.2018

  • OpenStreetMap is now used for reverse geocoding of transport coordinates
  • Fixed display of device information in the list of occupied IP addresses in IP grid
  • Fixed inaccuracies in generation of report on equipment power consumption

3.12.65 - 08.11.2018

  • Fixed error with displaying payment destination in cashier's report
  • Fixed an error occurring when adding a cable channel without a number
  • Fixed some inaccuracies in date range samples
  • Fixed an inaccuracy with comment on the device port

3.12.64 - 05.11.2018

  • Improved API->task->show method
  • Fixed old data migration error

3.12.63 - 03.11.2018

  • Added output of subscribers' addresses in the list of MAC-addresses by equipment ports
  • Added method API->task->set_rate
  • Fixed displaying of tasks that last more than an hour in the work calendar
  • Fixed auto-refresh of switching information in subscriber's card
  • Fixed display of dotted lines on the map
  • Fixed displaying of history of operations on inventory items

3.12.62 - 30.10.2018

  • The files that are attached to the item name card are displayed in the item card
  • API->task->get_list method improved

3.12.61 - 25.10.2018

  • Added possibility to change the type of work in the list of tasks in group actions on tasks
  • It is possible to attach files in the product catalogue in the items names
  • Fixed some errors with displaying of private tasks for work
  • Fixed incorrect output of text additional fields in Excel in the list of employees

3.12.60 - 23.10.2018

  • Improved API->device->get_pon_level_history method
  • Fixed search by subscriber login which is 12 characters in size
  • Fixed editing of task comment that contains apostrophe
  • Fixed editing of inventory number for placement object
  • Fixed bug in API->commutation->add method
  • Fixed displaying of commutation in equipment cards with customised stacking
  • Fixed editing of polling parameters of usm_observer module

3.12.59 - 21.10.2018

  • If the child records are all converted to ex-subscribers - then the parent record can be converted to ex-subscribers as well
  • Improved API->commutation->add method
  • Optimised output of PON notifications block on the main page
  • Added Excel output to the list of employees
  • Fixed an error - when the name/section of the commodity item has an empty name - it is impossible to get to its card to edit it.
  • Fixed error when specifying very long inventory number for inventory items

3.12.58 - 16.10.2018

  • Fixed incorrect display of child infrastructure objects on the coverage map in some cases
  • Fixed bug in usm_observer module polling profile view

3.12.57 - 11.10.2018

  • Added quick search of subscriber by personal account when adding a job task
  • Optimised operation of MAC address list by device
  • Changed quick search by communication centres ‘’(fixed some inaccuracies in national alphabets search)‘’
  • Fixed transfer of equipment to a subscriber ‘’(if there is an apostrophe in the subscriber's name)‘’.
  • Fixed filter by period in task tag statistics

3.12.56 - 03.10.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12.55 - 01.10.2018

  • Fixed generation of statistics on additional statuses of job tasks
  • Fixed some migration errors

3.12.54 - 30.09.2018

  • Optimising system performance

3.12.53 - 29.09.2018

  • Added API->device->get_pon_level_history method
  • Fixed filter on overdue tasks
  • Fixed display of system devices interconnecting with each other in the switching diagram of the switching node

3.12.52 - 21.09.2018

  • Export to Excel/print version added to ODF list
  • Added API->inventory->change_serial_number method
  • Improved API->commutation->get_data method
  • Operators with permissions to view advertising campaigns can also view files attached to them
  • Fixed problem with saving operator's full name when saving
  • Fixed problem with displaying layers on the map with arbitrary equipment in some cases
  • Fixed adding notes with inverted commas to VLAN card
  • Fixed mailing of tasks for the current day to employees
  • Corrected work of the ‘Auto-bind users to ports’ scheduler task

Translated with (free version)

3.12.51 - 12.09.2018

  • Ability to edit your own comment in a task
  • Unlocked accounts are displayed in the list of operator accounts by default
  • Fixed some inaccuracies in displaying dismissed personnel in the timesheet
  • Fixed displaying of work type icon in some cases in the work plan
  • Fixed a bug with resetting the category of an item name when editing it

3.12.50 - 01.09.2018

  • Redesigned widget ‘Weather. Lightning and thunderstorms in real time’ widget
  • Fixed problem with saving settings in some cases
  • Fixed editing of SMS templates
  • Fixed task end date when it is switched to ‘Failed’ state
  • Fixed incorrect localisation of subscriber's work status in the subscriber list in some cases

3.12.49 - 25.08.2018

  • Fixed import of addresses with apostrophe in the name
  • Fixed minor errors

3.12.48 - 17.08.2018

  • API->customer->change_billing method added
  • The name of the operator who replied to the message is now hidden in correspondence in the subscriber's personal cabinet
  • Adjusted position of markers for displaying tasks, personnel and vehicles on the map.
  • Fixed in some cases empty address display in the filter by subscribers
  • Fixed in some cases impossibility to search subscriber by MAC-address
  • Fixed adding block/hull for second house address
  • Fixed filter in job statistics for problem houses
  • Fixed attachment of files with size more than 1GB

3.12.47 - 03.08.2018

  • Fixed bug with non-working coverage map when adding houses on the map
  • Fixed transfer of additional fields for potential subscribers when merging them with regular subscribers

3.12.46 - 31.07.2018

  • Fixed minor bugs

3.12.45 - 24.07.2018

  • Fixed filling in of additional fields at the arrival of inventory items
  • Fixed display of jabber-messages list by task
  • Fixed minor errors

3.12.44 - 12.07.2018

  • Fixed sorting of additional fields by tasks in the list of work plan tasks
  • Fixed output of MAC-address owners for FDB table when updating it
  • Fixed sorting by date of work execution in the work plan
  • Fixed disappearance of coordinates of a settlement when editing it
  • Added setting parameter ‘Allowed to transfer inventory items to completed tasks’

3.12.43 - 08.07.2018

  • Fixed an error when adding a comment to a task
  • Fixed error when opening a communication centre card in the network-version

3.12.42 - 05.07.2018

  • When opening a map from the card of a location object/freeway, in addition to centring on this object, a marker is also displayed.
  • In the switching menu on a port, a link to switching history is also displayed on a free port ‘’(to view past connections)‘’'.
  • Fixed switching from the node card to the CWDM card instead of the TMC card

3.12.41 - 29.06.2018

  • Fixed work of some links in report on attached files
  • Fixed update in some cases of activity for switch when capturing FDB table

3.12.40 - 25.06.2018

  • Added method API->address->address->add_house_to_map
  • Added method API->address->remove_house_from_map
  • Fixed work of API->fiber->get_list method

3.12.39 - 20.06.2018

  • Added ‘Change due date (unknown)’ item to group actions on tasks
  • Fixed editing of additional fields in the card of subscriber - legal entity
  • Fixed selection of a house when adding a communication line
  • Fixed error with viewing cable channel on the map

3.12.38 - 03.06.2018

  • API->task->add ‘’(added unit_id, division_id parameters)‘’
  • Added setting parameter ‘Allow closing of tasks with T&Cs’
  • Fixed editing of task type groups
  • Fixed formatting of balance in subscribers list
  • Fixed display of pop-up message about calls
  • Fixed displaying of objects from the structure diagram by device on the map
  • Fixed search by MAC-address on equipment ports
  • Fixed filtering in the list of subscribers by additional field with type ‘number’

3.12.37 - 26.05.2018

  • Fixed an error occurring when deleting comments to a task
  • Fixed loading of the list of employees
  • Fixed output of some preset task types in the work plan filter
  • Fixed output of names of preset job states in API->task->get_catalog_state method

3.12.36 - 26.05.2018

  • Fixed creation of advertising campaign to the street
  • Fixed adding new payments by owner
  • Fixed display of colour labels for communication lines
  • Fixed incorrect display of stacking for new equipment

3.12.35 - 24.05.2018

  • Added setting option ‘In the work calendar for a subdivision, display tasks for employees of this subdivision as well’.
  • Added possibility to transfer a subscriber to ex-subscriber even if there are inventory items on it (additional information about inventory items availability will be displayed)
  • Added possibility to customise the display of a column with its own icon on the map in the node list properties
  • Fixed adding new labels for subscribers to the classifier
  • Fixed printing of work orders in case of presence of commodities in the task
  • Fixed display of the ‘Radio’ layer on the coverage map if no other layer is selected
  • Fixed sorting by executors in the work plan
  • Fixed some inaccuracies with scaling of icons on the coverage map when changing the scale
  • Fixed sorting by flat number when switching subscriber to equipment port
  • Fixed error with displaying operator login in operator history when exporting to Excel

3.12.34 - 11.05.2018

  • Fixed an error when trying to integrate a PMC without selecting the required PMC
  • Fixed error with displaying links in subscriber card to child deleted records
  • Fixed some inaccuracies when editing labels in the house card
  • Fixed ONU ID decoding for some data formats
  • Fixed filtering in work plan by district

3.12.33 - 09.05.2018

  • Fixed some situations with empty MAC address output on interfaces
  • Optimised loading of objects for loaded maps
  • It is forbidden to integrate commodities that have a special attribute in the product catalogue (switches, equipment, etc.)

3.12.32 - 07.05.2018

  • Fixed report on unknown MAC addresses in switch section
  • Fixed output of MAC address counters in the switch port table
  • Fixed time format in the updated time on the main page
  • Fixed deletion of usm_observer module indicators when dismantling equipment

3.12.31 - 04.05.2018

  • Corrected selection in the report for houses that are not marked on the map
  • Fixed the error of updating the date of the last positive balance by subscribers when the module is terminated

3.12.30 - 29.04.2018

  • Fixed problems with displaying the list of MAC addresses on ports
  • Fixed some cases of problems with the deployment of the list of houses in a street
  • Fixed some cases of error when adding inventory items with auto-generated inventory number

3.12.29 - 27.04.2018

  • When a monitored parameter is switched off in the usm_observer module, the current readings for that parameter are hidden in the report
  • The link from the main page on alarm values of usm_observer module leads to the list of alarm values only (previously - to the list of all values).
  • Added ‘This week (from today)’ option to the work plan filter in the date filter option.
  • Added the ‘Consider empty response by parameter as an error’ option to the usm_observer module settings
  • Added sorting of parameters and displaying all parameters on one page to the usm_observer module polling profile setting.
  • Fixed sorting of the task classifier in the house card in the ‘Tasks’ tab
  • Fixed some cases of incorrect display of equipment type in its card
  • Fixed specifying an arbitrary house address when exporting the list of houses to xls
  • Fixed quick search in FOCL traces

3.12.28 - 25.04.2018

  • Fixed creation of VLAN entries
  • Fixed setting of ‘Weather’ widget
  • Fixed output of required work types in the ‘Group not specified’ section of the job classifier
  • Fixed correct output of the route of a fibre-optic route on the map
  • Fixed scaling of custom icons for communication nodes
  • Corrected display of correct location on the map of communication nodes, which are located at a distance from the house, at a high scale

3.12.27 - 21.04.2018

  • Corrected default output of ONU information with zero signal strength as erroneous

3.12.26 - 19.04.2018

  • The structure diagram for the device can be built by any of the UPLINK ports
  • In the card of the communication centre in the list of FOCLs the markings on both sides of the FOCL are displayed
  • Improved API->task->add method
  • Fixed sorting of comments in the work plan
  • Fixed counter of number of current tasks in the left menu
  • Fixed changing of coordinates on the map for a house
  • Fixed the name of the field ‘Electricity consumption of the node’ in the communication node card
  • Fixed checking for matching numbers when adding infrastructure objects
  • Fixed duplication of ‘SNMP information’ section in the card of equipment with selected polling profile

3.12.25 - 17.04.2018

  • Link to add a communication line has been added to the communication node card
  • Fixed sorting of task groups in the task classifier
  • Fixed return of tasks from pending to regular tasks

3.12.24 - 13.04.2018

  • API->task->get_list method improved
  • Sections with related tasks and with node equipment have been swapped in the node card.
  • Fixed filtering of subscribers list by commodities
  • Fixed double MAC-address field in the PMC card (in some cases)
  • Fixed scheduler job sending notifications about the time to complete the job soon expiring

3.12.23 - 11.04.2018

  • The work calendar for a subdivision displays all tasks where employees of that subdivision are assigned (not just the subdivision itself)
  • The ruler on the map now displays readings in metres
  • Subscriber status field added to the subscriber list field setting
  • Fixed link to delete a subscriber in the subscriber card
  • Fixed filtering by specific address in cash receipt report
  • Fixed appearance on the map of houses with colour markers
  • Fixed sorting by name in the task type filter in the work plan

3.12.22 - 09.04.2018

  • Added methods API->task->get_catalog_type, API->task->get_catalog_state
  • Corrected filter by work street in work plan
  • Fixed coupling naming when adding it
  • Fixed some inscriptions in editing a coupling node
  • Fixed display of active devices in communication centre card
  • Fixed selection of stock items when adding an arbitrary device

3.12.21 - 06.04.2018

  • Fixed viewing of FOCL stock points on the coverage map

3.12.20 - 05.04.2018

  • Added customisation of table fields for fibre optic routes
  • Optimised display of infrastructure object card
  • Fixed exclusion of a subordinate house in the owner card
  • Fixed display of subscriber activity statistics (usm_stat)
  • Fixed operation of USERIPALL variable in document generation
  • Fixed error with object visibility area when switching to a district in the city

3.12.19 - 04.04.2018

  • Optimised operation of the call list
  • Fixed sorting of port numbers in MAC address list by device (in some cases)
  • Fixed incorrect rendering of connections in the switching scheme (in some cases)
  • Fixed API for usm_cabletest module operation
  • Fixed selection of additional labels/objects layer on coverage map

3.12.18 - 01.04.2018

  • PLC 1x6 dividers accounting is implemented in the structural scheme
  • Optimised MAC address flooding report on switches
  • Added API->staff->get_division method
  • Fixed inaccuracies in the display of settlement when editing a communication node without an address
  • Fixed black colour display of failed ports in switch card (in some cases)
  • Fixed calculation of approximate monthly income from subscription fee
  • Fixed sorting of settlements in the form of adding a new street

3.12.17 - 31.03.2018

  • API->address->get_province, API->address->get_city, API->address->get_area, API->address->get_street methods improved
  • Added USERGROUP variable (name of subscriber group) to document setup
  • Sorted list of task types when creating a task from under the calendar
  • Added additional fields for fibre optic routes
  • Fixed information selection in API->device->get_data method
  • Fixed hot swapping of radio equipment
  • Fixed fixing of settlement when editing a job

3.12.16 - 30.03.2018

  • Optimised filter in the work plan for tasks without executors
  • Additional layers in the coverage map exclude layers that are used only for switches
  • Reduced excessively long cache for FDB table for switches from 3 days to 10 minutes.
  • Fixed excessive execution of scheduler tasks that are disabled

3.12.15 - 29.03.2018

  • Optimised operation of the ‘PON Information’ home page widget
  • Fixed adding inscriptions to the coverage map
  • In some cases the setting parameter ‘When clicking on subscriber's full name, open call registration form’ partially did not work
  • Fixed work of the scheduler task ‘E-mail dispatch about tasks for the current day’.
  • Fixed ‘MAC Address Flood’ widget on the main page
  • Fixed sorting of text flat numbers in the house card
  • Fixed editing of inscriptions on the coverage map
  • In some cases task creation by usm_asterisk module did not work when receiving a call
  • Fixed not always correct output of house numbers in the drop-down list by street
  • Fixed unnecessary search for empty MAC-address in MAC-address history on the page of search by subscribers

3.12.14 - 22.03.2018

  • Corrected formatting of the phone number in additional fields of the task card

3.12.13 - 22.03.2018

  • API->setting->get method added
  • Corrected display in the news list of tasks by subdivisions, where the operator worked earlier
  • Fixed value of the number of employees in a subdivision when viewing a task card
  • Corrected data in the message generated by the ‘Jabber notifications about task deadline’ task of the scheduler
  • Fixed displaying of MAC-address in the card of inventory items ‘’(for inventory items that are not equipment)‘’'
  • Fixed displaying (additional loading) of communication nodes on the map that do not have their own coordinates.
  • Fixed indication of house coordinates on the coverage map for network-version
  • Fixed filtering by motivation type in the ‘Fines and bonuses’ section

3.12.12 - 20.03.2018

  • Fixed situation with incorrect links when opening secondary pages (print version, etc.)
  • Fixed operation of task chain
  • Fixed display of last GPS-coordinates in the list of vehicles
  • Fixed changing of radio equipment sector direction
  • Fixed output of ONU list with OLT
  • In some cases in the task card - comments were not sorted by date

3.12.11 - 20.03.2018

  • Fixed some migration errors

3.12.10 - 19.03.2018

  • Added method API->node->get_icon_list
  • Added method API->map->get
  • Added API->owner->get method
  • Optimised work of the report on problem houses
  • Fixed some nuances of displaying the drop-down list of houses of the street, which are in a separate neighbourhood
  • Fixed an error in the report on subscription fee income when filtering by data type
  • Fixed an error when filtering only former subscribers in the house card
  • Fixed error when selecting the list of documents in group actions by subscribers
  • Fixed error in FDB table capture of switches

3.12.9 - 19.03.2018

  • Fixed migration of customisation parameters

3.12.8 - 18.03.2018

  • Improved loading to the map of those FOCLs, intermediate objects of which are in the field of visibility on the current map
  • Adjusted sorting order of incoming FOCLs in ring traces
  • Layer with subscribers penetration by addresses returned to the map
  • Added 3-minute cache for information from FDB table of the device
  • Added API->customer->get_customers_id method
  • Added API->customer->state_change method
  • Fixed periodic hiding of ‘Periodic jobs’ link
  • Fixed some translation inaccuracies
  • Fixed output of information about us_gps module operation
  • Fixed bug with displaying attached files to ODF ports
  • Fixed visibility errors of some objects when working with districts

3.12.7 - 14.03.2018

  • Fixed import of the list of switches by list
  • Fixed functionality of equipment satellites (in some cases)
  • Fixed sorting of the list of settlements when editing a street
  • It is possible to edit/set coordinates manually in the infrastructure object card
  • Fixed operation of some API methods for usm_peleng module

3.12.6 - 13.03.2018

  • Fixed operation of the ‘Addresses (owners)’ filter in the list of subscribers
  • Fixed display of the list of keys that have no address

3.12.5 - 11.03.2018

  • ‘FOCL’ layer moved under nodes and couplings layers
  • Fixed when creating a task - display on the coverage map of the task house
  • Fixed auto-assignment of inventory numbers in case of group arrival of inventory items
  • Fixed behaviour of inscriptions on the map when hovering over them with the mouse
  • Fixed output of the list of street names in the conditions of SMS-dispatch
  • Fixed operation of the ‘Notepad’ section

3.12.4 - 09.03.2018

  • Fixed some bugs of the update

3.12.3 - 08.03.2018

  • Added possibility to import the list of inventory items from CSV file
  • Fixed generation of contract number when creating new subscribers
  • Added API->customer->get_max_agreement_number method
  • Fixed link in the search results to the location of radio equipment that is at the subscriber's place of business

3.12.2 - 05.03.2018

  • API->tariff->get method added
  • Fixed bug in cash receipt report when filtering by billing
  • Fixed viewing of product name in network-version
  • Fixed IP address reservation error
  • Fixed ‘On map open links to houses/nodes and other objects in a separate tab/window’ setting option
  • Fixed auto-assignment of inventory number when receiving inventory items
  • Fixed clearing of all FOCS side switches

3.12.1 - 03.03.2018

  • Fixed some bugs related to the update

3.12 - 03.03.2018

  • Fixed generation of new inventory number when adding inventory items
  • Fixed output of possible task types for creation from under work calendar

3.12rc2 - 27.02.2018

  • Added API->customer->edit method
  • Improved QR code of task coordinates on Google maps
  • Fixed data polling via satellites
  • Fixed sorting of streets when editing/adding a house
  • Fixed showing/hiding hidden FOCLs on coverage map
  • Fixed operation of [USERIP] and [USERMAC] variables in the job document form

3.12rc1.9 - 22.02.2018

  • When editing an equipment card - it is possible to edit the serial number ‘’(without going to the inventory card)‘’
  • In the tooltip for infrastructure objects - the names of object labels are displayed
  • Some sorting and filtering modes in the work plan have been improved
  • ‘Polygon size when adding a house to the map’ parameter was not taken into account
  • Fixed an error when displaying the list of houses that are not shown on the map.
  • Fixed sorting by contract number in the list of subscribers

3.12rc1.8 - 19.02.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12rc1.7 - 18.02.2018

  • It is possible to display a column with the personal account in the subscriber list

3.12rc1.6 - 17.02.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12rc1.5 - 11.02.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12rc1.4 - 09.02.2018

  • Fixed fast change of end objects during FOCL editing
  • Minor tweaks and optimisations

3.12rc1.3 - 05.02.2018

  • Fixed bug with displaying tree ‘Can be assigned to tasks in the following objects’
  • Fixed animation of equipment port status when a port is switched off/on
  • Fixed display of custom icons for communication nodes on the map

3.12rc1.2 - 01.02.2018

  • Optimised operation of migrations/updates
  • Reduced the width of the field with filter names in the task filter in case of long names of additional fields
  • Optimised display of tooltips on coverage map objects
  • Fixed erroneous display of remote subscriber on the coverage map
  • Fixed false creation of empty tasks
  • Fixed sorting of addresses in some lists

3.12rc1.1 - 29.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12rc1 - 28.01.2018

  • Release of the rc-version

3.12beta36 - 27.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta35 - 25.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added method API->customer->get_ip_port_device_commutation
  • Added method API->customer->set_mac_by_ip

3.12beta34 - 24.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta33 - 23.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta32 - 22.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta31 - 21.01.2018

  • Ability to switch off unnecessary mapping systems
  • Possibility to save own subscriber selection filters to subscriber list added
  • API->task->add method improved

3.12beta30 - 19.01.2018

  • Added API->node->get_id_by_coord method
  • Vehicle route on the map is highlighted in red if the speed exceeds 90 km/h in the section
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta29 - 17.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Added method API->operator->get_id_by_login
  • Improved method API->task->get_list

3.12beta28 - 14.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta27 - 12.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs
  • Improved API->inventory->get_inventory_amount method
  • Forbidden to mark checklists in closed tasks

3.12beta26 - 10.01.2018

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta25 - 09.01.2018

  • A task can now be postponed for a certain period of time, after which it will return to its normal status
  • Individual additional fields can be selected for sections in the product catalogue and for specific items of commodity goods
  • A block with information about the time of viewing of this task by operators has been added to the task card.
  • Transfer of data from MySQL to PostgreSQL is completed
  • Added API->device->get_iface_mac method
  • Added method API->device->find_mac
  • API->device->get_data method finalised
  • Improved method API->address->get_house
  • Added method API->attach->delete
  • In a task card where no subscriber is selected, it is now possible to create a potential subscriber.
  • Added possibility to bind incoming unknown call number to an existing subscriber
  • Fixed displaying of Statistics - Statuses report for tasks
  • Fixed filtering of subscribers by address owner

3.12beta24 - 10.12.2017

  • ‘Potential subscribers’ item was added to the filter in the subscribers list
  • In the card of usm_peleng module it is possible to switch on bearing on all switches at once
  • Caching of card tiles, which allows working with cards even in the absence of an external Internet channel.
  • Checklists in tasks have been implemented
  • Redesigned map selector when viewing the coverage map. Now it selects not maps, but objects (towns, districts) as in the left menu in the ‘Coverage’ section

3.12beta23 - 05.12.2017

  • Added method API->additional_data->add_field
  • Added method API->additional_data->edit_field
  • Added method API->additional_data->delete_field

3.12beta22 - 25.11.2017

  • When arriving at an inventory item, you can enter the barcode first and the system will select an existing inventory item from the database and substitute the name of the item and the last supplier from which the item was purchased into the arrival form.
  • Added API->additional_data->change_value method

3.12beta21 - 23.11.2017

  • Fixed bug with CWDM addition
  • Added new layer on the map - ‘Subscribers’
  • Ability to specify individual coordinates on the map for specific subscribers
  • Transfer of some tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL

3.12beta20 - 21.11.2017

  • Improved functionality of working with inscriptions on maps

3.12beta19 - 19.11.2017

  • Added method API->operator->check_pass
  • Improved API->task->change_state method

3.12beta18 - 18.11.2017

  • API of cards has been redesigned on Leaflet
  • In subscriber's card in the technical support history tab, records of all calls to the subscriber's number will be displayed even if this number is assigned to some other subscriber (such calls will be marked separately).
  • In the list of calls, calls to numbers assigned to several subscribers will contain information on all these subscribers
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta17 - 03.11.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta16 - 01.11.2017

  • Transfer part of tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta15 - 25.10.2017

  • Transfer of part of tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Added widget to the main page ‘Inactive equipment. Arbitrary devices’

3.12beta14 - 21.10.2017

  • Transfer of some tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Fixed display of names of marks on subscriber in subscriber's card
  • The parameter ‘Require MAC-address to be specified when goods arrive’ can be added for the type of commodities
  • API method Device->get_data added

3.12beta13 - 17.10.2017

  • Transfer of part of tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • If a house is already on all available cards, it is not offered to specify it on one more card
  • Added possibility to hide former subscribers in the house card

3.12beta12 - 13.10.2017

  • Transfer of some tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Import of coordinates of communication nodes location added to import of switch directories
  • The usm_radio module instead of us_radio is introduced into testing
  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta11 - 09.10.2017

  • Transfer of some tables from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Introduced usm_observer module into testing instead of us_control
  • Quick search added to the ‘Warehouse - Suppliers’ section
  • Arbitrary pages and links in the menu can now be added to any section
  • If more than 10 items are transferred to a job, the list of items is now collapsed.
  • The variable ‘Task. QR code with coordinates on Google map of the node/coupling from the job’ variable was added to the document template setting
  • Fixed error with loading the list of streets in a neighbourhood

3.12beta10 - 03.10.2017

  • Improved API->device->get_data method
  • Fixed inability to save a map for a populated area

3.12beta9 - 17.09.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta8 - 17.09.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta7 - 14.09.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta6 - 13.09.2017

  • Fixed some bugs

3.12beta5 - 07.09.2017

  • Quick search has been added to the Warehouse - Catalogue of goods section
  • Added ‘Select from list (multiple values)’ field type to additional fields
  • Private tasks for works (only the author and executors have access to them)
  • For Huawei GPON, added output of statuses for disabled ONUs

3.12beta4 - 03.09.2017

  • A separate subsection in the settings, where you can specify intervals for clearing old data in tables (logs, etc.).
  • Added output of information on which OLT it was found in the GPON-ONU card (by analogy with GEPON-ONU, which was earlier)
  • Added a separate setting parameter ‘Display house numbers on the map (for those houses where it is enabled)’ (regardless of node numbers output).
  • Added a field with the date of transferring the goods and services to the subscriber in the subscriber's card in the list of his goods and services

3.12beta3 - 29.08.2017

  • Hot swap of dividers/sealers
  • Added direct link to add a potential subscriber in the incoming call pop-up window of the usm_asterisk module for unknown numbers
  • Added customisable additional fields for cable channels
  • Ability to customise fields in the cable channels table
  • Export to Excel, printing and output of total length of channels added to the list of cable channels
  • It is possible to display on the map not only the numbers of communication nodes/couplings/supports, but also their names/addresses.
  • An employee can receive letters when goods and materials are transferred to/from the account for him/her
  • A separate section of settings ‘Setup - Main - Warehouse’ has been allocated

3.12beta2 - 21.08.2017

  • Possibility to attach FOCS (including several) to a work order
  • In the FOCS card you can see related jobs for work on this FOCS
  • API-method Customer->add added
  • Added API method Device->get_mac_list
  • Added API-methods address->edit_province, address->del_province, address->edit_city, address->del_city, address->edit_area, address->del_area, address->edit_street, address->del_street, address->edit_house, address->del_house

3.12beta1 - 19.08.2017

  • The ability to create a hierarchy of nested commodity types has been added to the product catalogue
  • History of switching on ports/OVs is saved
  • Separate layer on the map ‘Polygons’
  • Ability to restore deleted subscribers and jobs from the recycle bin
  • In the ‘My Jobs’ section, blocks for all subordinate units are displayed separately (recursively). Previously, for this purpose it was necessary to include an employee in each subdivision