API fibre EN

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Версия от 16:40, 21 августа 2023; N.Skrypnik (обсуждение | вклад)
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Section API ERP "UserSide"

Purpose: Cable lines

Additional parameters:
action - request subcategory (possible value: see below)



Modified in: 3.15.23 (added cableline_type_id parameters)

Description: Adding a line
Obligatory parameters:
 object_a_id - ID of the initial object
 object_b_id - ID of the final object (or house_b_id - ID of the final house)
Optional parameters:
 building_date - Date of laying
 building_length - building length
 cableline_type_id - cable line type ID
 cabletype_id - cable type ID
 comment - Notes
 custom_color - Custom colour for the line
 fibers_count - number of fibres
 is_planned - Flag - object is only planned
 is_change_color_by_cabletype - Flag - Change fibre colours according to cable type properties
 marking_a - Line marking on side A
 marking_b - Line marking on side B
 object_a_id - ID of the initial object
 object_b_id - ID of final object
 optical_length - optical length


Added in 3.13.35

Description: Adding a mark
Obligatory parameters:
 fibre_id - line id
 mark_id - mark id


Added in 3.13.14

Description: Adds an object to a line route
Obligatory parameters:
 id - id of the line
 object_id - object id
Optional parameters:
 reserve - cable reserve (in meters)


Added in 3.17dev1

Description: Adds an entry to the cables catalogue
Obligatory parameters:
 cable_line_type_id - cable line type id
 brand - manufacturer name
 name - cable brand
 core_count - number of conductors (fibres/core)


Added in 3.15.12

Description: Catalogue of cables
Optional parameters:
 cable_line_type_id - id of cable line type


Added in 3.15.12

Description: Catalogue of cable line types


Added in: 3.16dev8

Description: Deleting a cable line
Obligatory parameters:
 id - object id


Added in 3.13.35

Description: Removing a mark
Obligatory parameters:
 fibre_id - line id
 mark_id - mark id


Description: Line editing
Obligatory parameters:
 id - line id
Optional parameters:
 object_a_id - id of the start object
 object_b_id - id of the final object 
 house_b_id - id of the final house
 building_date - date of laying
 building_length - building length
 cabletype_id - cable type id
 comment - notes
 custom_color - custom colour for the line
 fibers_count - number of fibres
 is_planned - flag - object is only planned
 is_change_color_by_cabletype - flag - Change fibre colours according to cable type properties
 marking_a - line marking on A side
 marking_b - line marking on side B
 optical_length - optical length


Modified in: 3.14beta5 (added fibre_id parameters)

Added in 3.12.94

Description: List of fibres
Obligatory parameters:
Optional parameters:
 fibre_id - cable line id (can be comma separated)
 id - fibre id (can be comma separated)


Added in 3.13.14

Description: Calculation of line length according to geographical coordinates of endpoints (approximate calculation)
Obligatory parameters:
 id - line id


Modified in: 3.16.19 (added cable_line_type_id parameters)

Modified in: 3.13.45 (added node_id parameters)

Modified in: 3.13.35 (added mark_id parameters)

Description: List of lines
Obligatory parameters:
Optional parameters:
 cable_line_type_id - id of cable line type
 mark_id - mark id
 node_id - id of placement object (can be comma separated)
 object_id - id of the specific line


Added in 3.16dev8

Description: Cable colours on the map


Added in 3.13.14

Description: Excludes objects on the line route
Obligatory parameters:
 id - id of the line
Optional parameters:
 object_id - object id


Added in 3.13.45

Description: Set the geographical route of the line
Obligatory parameters:
 id - id of the line
 route - array of geographical points (lat,lon) of the line route in json format