
Материал из WiKi - UserSide

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The list of optical dividers/compactors is collected in the current section


Dividers/compactors are simultaneously counted as inventory in the warehouse. This allows to enter the number of branches and division coefficients in the Product catalogue, which simplifies further adding of dividers.

At the bottom of the divider card there is a table commutation OF, which specifies the commutation of the line and station sides of the divider/compactor. This also allows you to view the entire commutation route on any of the adapters.


Starting from version 3.17, it is possible to change the port numbering order from forward to reverse in the switching scheme for dividers/compactors.


It is possible to output a print/Excel version (from version 3.17 onwards) for the dividers/compactors list.


Starting from version 3.18:

In dividers, you can hot swap to a higher capacity divider
