FAQ. The module is not starting "Module disabled in system - exit"

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The module is not starting "Module disabled in system - exit"

When trying to start usm_pon, usm_peleng, etc., an error occurs

Module disabled in system - exit

This is generally due to either the initial configuration of the module or moving the system/modules to another location.

Causes for this message: 1) The module is indeed disabled in userside. Check on the page " Settings - Modules - required module - The module is switched on". 2) The URL to userside in the module configuration file is incorrect. Usually this is "$usUrl" variable. 3) It's also possible that the URL is specified correctly, but the domain name is not resolved on the server where the module is run in the console. In this case check with curl to make sure everything is correct.

In any case in module's logs there will be attempts of API access to userside and response from the system. It will indicate whether the module is disabled or there is a problem with the url